Five hundred women raise funds for prostate cancer


More than 500 women gathered today to raise funds for prostate cancer at an event called "Female Friday Funday Float".

They started fundraising 6 years ago with the goal of having fun on the Mackinaw River. Every woman buys a t-shirt and has to raise 50 dollars to participate in the event. The fun begins at the American Legion where they go to the river and ride in their canoes! The event organizer, Kim Williams, is proud of the magnitude of the event's growth in just 6 years.

"The people they love are fighting right now, so they're here for a different reason. It's probably the greatest thing I've ever done in my life, the best thing you can do to help people, "said Kim Williams, organizer of the event.

The money goes to the center of Chicago Prostate Cancer. They hope to raise more than $ 23,000 to surpbad last year's total.

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