Floods show government can not make Accra the cleanest city – Zanetor Rawlings


General News on Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Source: citinewsroom.com


Zanetor Rawlings34 Zanetor Rawlings

Klottey Korle's National Democratic Congress (NDP) deputy, Zanetor Rawlings, is fully convinced that the Akufo-Addo government will not be able to fulfill its dream of making the national capital, Accra, the city the most clean from Africa, by 2020..

According to her, the arrival of the rains and the accompanying floods clearly show that the ambitious vision of the President is only a facade.

Sitting point blank on Eyewitness News, she pointed out that the nearly three-year agenda was a failure, as the city continued to struggle to manage its waste.
"Not from my position and not at the moment … I do not see the necessary things in place for this to happen – you always see garbage everywhere." The amount of waste left by the flood after the flood was phenomenal.

"This is the third year since this promise was made. Accra is far from being the cleanest city in West Africa, not to mention the continent, "she added.

Zanetor Rawlings also accused the government of not complying with the vision and criticizing it for lack of will.

"In other countries where they decided to do what we say, they took some very courageous steps. Some decided to ban plastics, others to allow a particular type of plastic. So, you really have to make a courageous decision. Political will must be supported by actions; not just say and go. "

This ambitious plan addresses the worsening crisis in the sanitation sector in the nation's capital, Accra, as municipal authorities struggle to cope.

Years after the president's announcement, many doubted the president's vision, no significant action being taken to rid the city of its heavy filth, with the exception of launching a national campaign on sanitation that does not succeed.

Last Sunday, parts of the capital were flooded after a downpour.

Some places, including the Kwame Nkrumah, Kanashie, Avenor and others, have all been flooded.

At the Kwame Nkrumah interchange, running water ran from blocked drains to the roads and left pedestrians with no choice but to cross the water at the knees.

We will succeed in making the cleanest city in Accra in Africa – Minister of Sanitation

The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources hopes that President Akufo Addo's dream will be realized.

Sector Minister Cecelia Abena Dapaah emphasized that, despite current challenges, work is continuing.

She said the president's vision of transforming the city will be achieved by 2020.

"It's possible, why not? The chair is determined and I am sure we are all determined. For example, the department should demonstrate leadership, monitoring, evaluation and evaluation by ensuring that everything is planned so that the badembly and subcontractors can work effectively. "

Make Accra the cleanest city of an aspiration and not a promise – Kwesi Jonah

Kwesi Jonah, senior researcher at the Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG), suggested re-evaluating President Nana Akufo-Addo's plan to make Accra the cleanest city in Africa.

He is of the opinion that this statement was more an aspiration than an achievable promise within four years.

He said: "When you say that you want Accra to be the cleanest, it's a standard; it's an aspiration … That does not mean that you can go to Rwanda [regarding sanitation]. "

"On the political platform, politicians say all kinds of things that they do not mean literally," said Jonah.

In his view, such a promise would never be feasible given the resources of the nation.

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