Foals play an intimate show at the Great Escape 12 years after their debut


The stars have recently released their first album since 2015 (photo: Mike Marsland / WireImage)

Foals is about to play one of the smaller shows ever organized at the Great Escape festival, to celebrate Transgressive Records' 15th anniversary.

The boys are definitely back.

The Oxford group – Yannis Philippakis, Jack Bevan, Walter Gervers, Edwin Congreave and Jimmy Smith – will perform at Concorde 2 at the festival 12 years after their debut.

Independent rock band Blaenavon and the band Boniface will be supporting the boys during their concert in Brighton on May 10th.

Toby L, co-founder of Transgressive, explained: "The Great Escape is unquestionably one of the most progressive and exciting showcases platforms in the world. Since Transgressive always strives to find and support new artists offering something to say, it was quite possible to start a year of holidays, special releases and other birthday-related gadgets at Brighton at an event we have been supporting since its inception.

Yannis Philippakis and his friends are back on the scene of the great escape (Photo: Getty Images North America)

"It's fair to say that we wanted to do something big enough to launch our anniversary year, and I guess that's why / why we landed here … Foals has a Amazing story with Concorde 2 and it seemed like an absolute dream to get them together.

"We will also have some new training artists, as well as friendly faces behind the decks."

Foals fans have been spoiled recently, the group having recently abandoned the first part of their project in two parts, Tout sera sauvé, will be lost.

The leader of the group, Yannis, recently caused a sensation in politics, saying that Brexit "felt like an act of self-mutilation".

While he was initially accused of being a leave supporter, the 32-year-old recently clarified things.

"I should have known better than giving this answer as I did but, in reality, I was playing somehow to the devil's advocate and I said that these are the concerns of people who want to leave" he explained to The Independent.

"I am definitely pro-rest, I think it has been so destructive for the country and for Europe in general," he added.

More: Yannis Philippakis

He added: "Adults, politicians, I think that lowering the standards of truth, political discourse and transparency was really shocking.

"Brexit is an act of self-harm."

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LEARN MORE: Yannis Philippakis, a colt, says Brexit "feels like an act of self-harm"

MORE: Elbow, two movie doors and Foals as Y Not Festival

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