For people with heart failure, loneliness can mean worse care


TUESDAY, May 28, 2019 (HealthDay News) – Fewer than one in 10 patients with heart failure are following lifestyle treatment recommendations, and a new study suggests that loneliness is the only way to cope with loneliness. one of the main reasons.

Polish researchers evaluated the observation by 475 patients with heart failure of a diet consisting of limiting their salt and fluid intake, being physically active and weighing themselves each day.

Only 7 of the patients followed the four lifestyle recommendations. Almost 48% did not exercise and 19% rarely. About 25% never and 17% have rarely adhered to fluid restrictions, while 13% never and 22% have rarely limited their salt intake. About 54% of patients weighed less once a week and 17% did so once a week.

Salt and fluid restrictions help keep fluids retention under control, daily weighing alerts signal worsening of fluid retention and exercise improving energy levels and quality of life. explained the authors of the stud.

Failure to follow lifestyle recommendations or take regular medications helps to worsen heart failure symptoms and increase the risk of hospitalization.

"Loneliness is the most important predictor of whether patients adopt counseling or not," said lead author of the study, Beata Jankowska-Polaska, of the University of Wroclaw, in a press release from the European Society of Cardiology.

"Patients who are alone are doing worse in all areas." Family members have a central role to play in helping patients comply, particularly older patients, by providing emotional support, hands-on support, and counseling. advice, "she noted.

"We also found that women were less docile than men and that patients over 65 had lower scores than younger patients," she added.

Loneliness, a higher number of other health problems and heart failure causing more physical limitations were independent predictors of non-compliance with the recommendations, the researchers said.

Doctors and nurses should encourage better care for their patients with heart failure, according to Jankowska-Polaska.

"Patients need clear written instructions on how to do exercise, for example, while SMS or phone calls can be used as reminders." It's important to check that patients understand advice, adapt recommendations and badess membership at each visit, "she said.

The research was presented Sunday at the meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Athens, organized during the 2019 heart failure. Studies presented at scientific meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a journal with a reading committee.

More information

The US National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood has more information on heart failure.

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