Former aide to President Rawlings greets Guinean junta


Former special assistant to the late President Rawlings, Dr Donald Agumenu congratulated the Guinean military junta for its frankness in returning the country to constitutional rule.

Reacting to a framework released by the junta led by Mamady Doumbouya that bars all members of the military from participating in the transition process as well as running for office, Dr Agumenu said it is refreshing that a measure very strategic was taken in honor of true democracy.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the junta is embodied with the integrity necessary to restore the hope of the people and the spirit of the constitution and that of international treaties which must also be welcomed,” he said. underline.

According to Dr Agumenu, he closely followed the actions of the junta from the start and their latest public announcement demonstrates a certain willingness to collaborate with key regional blocs such as ECOWAS to bring democracy and lasting peace to Guinea.

He further observed that ECOWAS should be congratulated “… for having clearly put in place a post-Alpha Condé framework to put Guinea back on the path to democracy and lasting peace.

“Looking at the recommendations, it was explicit that the regional body is ready to work with the Guinean people on the path to constitutional rule without former President Alpha Condé. “

Donald, who is also a strategic leadership consultant and ambassador for peace, added that the political framework and daily strategic directions of the military junta in the context of broader consultations with all facets of Guinean society are a sure guarantee that the democratic process will be supported. and managed by all.

He questioned why a continent that broke free from colonial rule over six decades ago would still face daunting complexities in governance, adding that “most of our problems in Africa are self-inflicted. by bad leadership “.

“The situation in Guinea should not only serve as a lesson but also as a brutal realization that the best barometer of good leadership is the people we govern. As we work to strengthen our institutions, including regional and continental bodies, there is a need to carry out a holistic assessment of ECOWAS and AU interventions in the affairs of member states, ”the Ambassador observed. of peace by referring to the reactive and reactionary position of regional bodies. preventive measures.

He added: “Notwithstanding if we are to be successful, deliberate efforts must be made to remedy weak and corrupt electoral systems as well as any semblance of injustice to subjugate and subvert the will of the people. Good electoral reforms must aim to promote fairness and peace.

Dr Agumenu identified “Poor leadership, systemic failure, difficulties and mistrust on the part of supposedly upright institutions and, in some cases, tribal partisan polarization” which have become the “catalyst for the emerging climate on the continent. … -economic development.”

Guinea was plunged into political uncertainty on September 5 when the country’s special forces overthrew President Alpha Condé. The Special Forces, led by French legionnaire Mamady Doumbouya, cited corruption, bad governance, poverty and human rights violations for their intervention. President Alpha Condé, 83, has also drawn the wrath of the Guinean people for having tinkered with the Guinean Constitution in order to run for a third term.

ECOWAS and the African Union reacted quickly by suspending Guinea’s membership and calling for a return to democratic civilian rule.

After weeks of consultations, the military junta today released a framework allowing all groups in Guinean society to present representatives to form a transitional government with a civilian prime minister. The statement demanded that members of the government be 30 percent represented by women.

These representatives will function as a makeshift parliament and will chart the clear course for a new constitution and new elections. The statement also banned all members of the military junta from participating in the process and standing for election.

Mamady Doumbouya will remain acting ceremonial president during the transition process.

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