Four measles cases linked to Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty


Four cases of measles in Bay of Plenty have been confirmed over the past three weeks (archive photo).


Four cases of measles in Bay of Plenty have been confirmed over the past three weeks (archive photo).

There are now four cases of measles related to the Mount Maunganui region.

All cases of Bay of Plenty have occurred in the last three weeks, said a public health patient from Toi Te Ora.

A case was confirmed Friday in a young adult and Toi Te Ora issued a notice on Monday.

The next day, Toi Te Ora said that there were four identified cases.

The vaccine that protects against measles is the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella), says a statement.

"It's important for parents to ensure that their children receive free routine MMR at 15 months and 4 years," said Dr. Jim Miller, Medical Officer of Health.

People who have never received a dose of MMR vaccine should take one now, the statement said.

People born before 1 January 1969 will probably be immunized because measles was quite common, he added.

Anyone who thinks they have measles should first contact their doctor so they can treat it without infecting other people, or call the Healthline at 0800 611 116 for advice.

For more information:

* Public Health Toi Te Ora
* Free Telephone Advisory Center on Immunization: 0800 IMMUNE (0800 466 863)
* Vaccination Advisory Center
* Ministry of Health
* Do not badume that you are immune

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