France maintains its tough position on Brexit without agreement | News from the world


France reiterated its opposition to Britain obtaining a further Brexit extension if it did not have a concrete plan with clear support in the Commons, saying that otherwise Britain should be considered as having chosen to leave the EU without an agreement.

Theresa May on Friday wrote to European Council President Donald Tusk, asking that the Brexit be postponed until June 30, while she was fighting for a multi-party agreement on the way forward.

In response to the May letter, the French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Amélie de Montchalin, said in a statement: "The European Council made a clear decision on March 21 … Another extension requires that the Kingdom UK presents a plan with clear and credible political support. "The council would then define the necessary conditions attached to this extension, she said.

"[I]In the absence of such a plan, it should be recognized that the UK has chosen to leave the EU in a disorderly manner. "

Tusk is pushing the EU27 to propose a "flexible" extension of one year to Article 50, with the possibility of leaving earlier when the withdrawal agreement will be ratified by the parliament. He described the plan as "the only reasonable way out".

De Montchalin said Paris had "read with interest Theresa May's letter to President Tusk. As the Prime Minister rightly said, the current impbade does not serve the interests of either the United Kingdom or the EU. He can not be allowed to continue. "

In the letter to Tusk, sent after a second day of talks with the workers, Ms. May said the two sides agreed to the need to pbad the legally binding withdrawal agreement, but had not reached a consensus on future relations.

If that was not possible, she hoped to agree with the Labor Party a process that would allow Parliament to choose between several possible options, both of which would promise acceptance.

This could allow the Parliament to ratify the agreement, adopt the necessary legislation and leave before 22 May, which means that the UK would avoid participating in the European Parliament elections, added the Prime Minister. Minister.

But she conceded that the government would be legally obliged to hold these elections if it had not left in time.

Asked why May was looking for a date that had already been rejected, her spokeswoman said that there were "different circumstances" at the time she requested June 30 before the last one. European summit and that the Prime Minister had pledged not to ask for an extension beyond that. this date.

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