Free educational supplement with free sanitary napkins – Coalition for Menstrual Hygiene


General News on Tuesday, May 28, 2019



MH DAY2019 BANNER Coalition wants 20% tax on sanitary napkins removed or significantly reduced

The Menstrual Hygiene Coalition is asking the government to consider, in the coming days, the introduction of a free system for feeding sanitary napkins or support as part of the free SHS policy to ensure that girls are not left behind. and quality education.

According to the coalition, the lack of proper sanitary facilities for the use of girls during their school reunion has become a disadvantage of the government's flagship campaign.

According to them, the situation makes it difficult for many schoolgirls to take full advantage of the policy of free education and for lower-level students to stay in school during their period.

As Ghana joins the rest of the world in celebrating World Day of Menstrual Hygiene, coalition president Awo Aidam Amenyah said in a statement that the government could make the SHS policy more meaningful for girls in schools by providing support systems for girls in schools. form of the supply of sanitary napkins.

"The theme of Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019 – It's Time To Act – not only highlights the urgency of this public health problem, but also underscores the transformative power of a patient." better menstrual hygiene to empower women and girls around the world and enable them to thrive in the economic and educational fields, "she explained.

According to UNICEF, one in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa misses school during menstruation, thus missing a fifth of the school year. Apart from that, there has only been a marginal improvement since, a study conducted by WaterAid shows for example that because of menstruation, 95% of girls did not go to school. 39, school during their period.

The Coalition also wants the 20% tax regime on sanitary napkins and the clbadification of such a basic need as a luxury item to be immediately removed or significantly reduced.

Faith-based organizations, including churches and mosques, the group urges to strengthen their partnership with NGOs to collectively reach disadvantaged girls who are deprived of education, simply because of a natural cycle that brings them to become women.

The group also urged the women's caucus in Parliament, through its chair, the Hon. Sarah Adjoa Sarfo, who also serves as Deputy Leader of the Majority to facilitate the implementation of legislation to address gender inequalities that exist in forms as imperceptible as those identified above.

"We would not hesitate to share our ideas with them in this regard," she noted.

The Coalition congratulated the Chairperson, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Co-Chair of the Eminent Group of Eminent Persons for the Sustainable Development Goals, for demonstrating a considerable commitment to not only meeting the education requirements of quality under the SDG 4, but also the respect of the principles set out in the constitution Education is virtually as free as possible.

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