French activists plunge into cheeks to mark World Day Against Fishing


Activists from the 269 Life France group met on Saturday in Strasbourg, their cheeks pierced with hooks to protest mbad fishing practices that they call "mbadacre".

Four activists were sitting at the place Kleber in the city center, holding in their hands a fake fish, cheeks pierced with a large hook.

Around them, in a puddle of fake blood, a dozen of the 269 other members of Life France carried placards on which were inscribed: "The fish are sensitive, you let them be slaughtered", and "The fishing: a real slaughter ".

"Many of these animals live an agony in the open air, are bled and eviscerated while remaining conscious or are thrown into the sea with the help of forks," reads the website of the World Day for end of fishing, marked March 30 around the world.

Chloe Ka, a spokeswoman for the group, said the drilling had been done by a professional for the occasion, as part of an action claiming "the abolition of fishing and the fish farming, crustaceans and cephalopods ".

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 100,000 fish are killed every second and individual fish consumption has increased up to 20 kilograms per year.

By handing out leaflets to the public, members of the collective note that the fish are "harpooned, skinned and scaled alive, and that, their cries being silent, they remain the forgotten species of the animal world".

269 ​​Life France organized similar events in Paris, Montpellier, Saintes (Charente-Maritime), Angers, Amiens and Marseille, said Chloé Ka.

Another French animal rights group, the L214, has also planned events to inform the public of the World Day Against Fishing.

(with AFP)

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