French apples and Brexit, repairs to slavery and Macron does it have exhaustion?


Our first episode of a Spotlight revamped on France!

Sarah Elzas and Alison Hird bring you closer to this country and its people every week.

This week, is President Macron on the verge of burnout? Michael Fitzpatrick talks about the case of a judge who asks for the least possible sentence. We are talking about reparations for black Europeans. And apples for dessert: Brexit will affect many French exports – wine, of course – but it turns out that France supplies most of the British apples.

In this episode:

– Ghyslain Vedeux (@GVedeux), President of the Black Defense Group CRAN

– Jean-Louis Moulon, apple grower (La Martinoise), president Idfel (badociation of apple growers of the Loire Valley)

– Hugues Decrombecque (@gruemoche), Director La Morinière, Experimental Station, Saint-Epain, Loire Valley

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