French baccalaureate results change after teachers' strike


French results bachelor, the high school exams are finally posted Friday, after a strike correctors this week. The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had promised that all students would get a note by Friday.

The teachers refused to hand in their notes this week, pushing the government to reopen negotiations on the reforms planned for the high school and the baccalaureate itself.

This delay was a source of stress for the 743,000 students who were looking forward to the results.

To succeed, students must obtain a mark of 10 out of 20. Those who get between 8 and 10 years have the opportunity to take an oral exam on Monday and Tuesday to improve their grades. Now they only have the weekend to get ready.

Blanquer said the teachers' decision to delay the results was "scandalous" and called it "sabotage".

He warned that teachers who did not submit grades would be considered strikers from the day they received the exams and lose between 10 and 15 days of salary.

According to the minister, on Thursday evening, only 700 of 175,000 correctors had not yet returned their results, which affected 30,000 exams out of the four million to be evaluated.

Those whose exams were not scored by Friday would receive marks based on their academic performance during the year and once the bachelor's degree results are published, the highest grade would be counted.

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