French chef asks to be removed from the Michelin Guide after losing a star


A French restaurant owner asked that his two star Michelin star restaurant be removed from the famous Michelin Guide after the loss of a star following an inspection.

Marc Veyrat, head of the Maison des Bois in Manigod, France, had the impressive distinction of owning a restaurant awarded three stars by Michelin.

However, in the 2019 Michelin Guide in France, the restaurant was downgraded, causing Veyrat to write a letter in which he denounced the guide's decision.

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In the letter, first reported by a French publication PointVeyrat attributes his demotion to "profound incompetence" on the part of Michelin critics and claims that the loss of his star came after critics "dared to say that we put cheddar in our reblochon soufflé, Beaufort and Tomme".

Veyrat also speculated that Michelin inspectors had never come to his restaurant, writing: "I expressly want the bills … you have a record, you should be able to find that evidence."

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courtesy of Le Meurice




courtesy of Le Meurice

"I've been in depression for six months," wrote Veyrat. "How dare you take the health of your cooks hostage?"

Veyrat also mentioned the demotion of the restaurant on the French TV channel RTL, where he said his team had "tears in their eyes" after losing their three-star ranking. CNN reports.

Despite the chef's request, Michelin has announced that he will not withdraw La Maison from his guide.

"We are not removing the La Maison des Bois restaurant from the Michelin Guide. If the institution remains open and our inspectors evaluate the table at one of our awards, we will continue to recommend it, "said International Guide Director Gwendal Poullennec. Point.

The house is described on the Michelin website as having "excellent cuisine" and a "particularly interesting wine list".

"The personality and talent of the chef and their team are evident in the cleverly designed, refined, inspired and sometimes original dishes," reads the guide.

According to the Michelin Guide, three stars mean that a restaurant serves "exceptional cuisine" and is worth "a special trip" to visit.

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L & # 39; Independent contacted the Michelin Guide for comments.

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