French justice confirms the life sentence of Carlos le Chacal


Carlos le Chacal, the Venezuelan activist behind some of the biggest bombings of the 1970s and 1980s, failed to reduce one of his three life sentences in France.

At the end of hearings opened on Wednesday, an exceptional criminal court in Paris confirmed Thursday the life sentence for a 1974 grenade attack against the Publicis Drugstore, a high-end shopping center in the French capital.

Carlos, who has carried out several attacks in favor of the Palestinian cause, was convicted of murder in 2017 and sentenced to life in prison, a verdict upheld on appeal.

But in 2019, France’s highest court sent the case back to court to reconsider his sentence, saying he should not have been convicted of both carrying and using a grenade because it amounted to being convicted twice for the same offense.

The so-called revolutionary, real name Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, has been behind bars in France since 1994 when French police caught up with him in Sudan after two decades on the run.

Carlos, now 71, is serving separate life sentences for the 1975 murders of two French policemen and a police informant, as well as a series of bombings in Paris and Marseille in 1982 and 1983 which left 11 dead and dozens injured.

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