Funeral for victims of the accident in Ethiopia but little funeral


A week after the accident, relatives of 17 Ethiopian victims gathered with hundreds of others at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa.

The caskets of the victims of the Ethiopian Airlines accident at the mbad burial at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), March 17, 2019. The crash of the flight ET 302 after its flight to Nairobi on March 10, killed 157 people on board and caused the global grounding of the aircraft model Boeing 737 MAX 8 involved in the disaster. Image: AFP

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopians held Sunday funerals for their friends and loved ones dead in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines last week, which killed all pbadengers on board and caused the planet 's grounding. Boeing plane.

Families from 35 countries were left in mourning when the Boeing 737 MAX 8 plane fell from the sky just minutes after its flight to Nairobi last Sunday, killing 157 pbadengers and crew members on board.

A week after the accident, relatives of 17 Ethiopian victims gathered with hundreds of others in Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa. They were sobbing and holding portraits of their loved ones while an Ethiopian Orthodox priest had announced the last sacraments.

"What I can not forget, is that she left an eight-month-old child and did not return," said Meselech Petros, whose sister, Amma Tesfamariam, was a hostess from the air in the plane convicted.

Her 28-year-old sister was not supposed to work that day, but went to pick up a colleague.

Coffins draped in the Ethiopian flag were brought to the cathedral by a convoy of black hearses accompanied by hundreds of mourners.

But what the coffins contained was not clear.

Witnesses said that the plane had plunged into a field southeast of the capital, the force of the impact leaving few bodies intact.

On Thursday, while families and friends in mourning were traveling to the area where the plane crashed, an AFP correspondent saw them handing them bottles of water. plastic water filled with soil from the site.

The Ethiopian government has stated that it may take up to six months to identify the remains.


"What makes us very sad is that we have not found any of his remains," said Teshome Legesse, whose 24-year-old niece, Ayantu Girma, was a flight attendant. in the plane.

Ethiopians Airlines is the largest African carrier and, in many ways, the international face of the country.

The deaths shocked the second most populous country in Africa and the funeral drew a large number of people in mourning.

"We are all children of Adam and Eve, even though our skin colors are different," said Seyoum Kidanu, a retired police officer dressed in his evening uniform and wearing a scarf in the colors of the flag Ethiopian.

"When a person dies in this world, sorrow belongs to everyone."

The black boxes on the plane are currently being examined by the French Air Safety Agency BEA, which is working with US and Ethiopian investigators to determine what caused its downfall.

Although Ethiopia warned that the investigation would take "a lot of time", there were quick reactions after the crash to ensure the Boeing 737 MAX 8 was grounded worldwide.

The move comes after similarities were identified with the crash in October of an Indonesian aircraft Lion Air, which killed all 189 pbadengers and crew members.

While the world was waiting for answers, there was little for those trying to cope with the loss of a loved one.

"This is a very good person.I do not know how to describe it," said Selamsew Mathias, 26, brother of air hostess Amma.

"We are broken and we have a lot of pain, it's very difficult."

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