G20 agriculture ministers worry about "protectionist" measures: press release


G20 Agriculture Ministers express concern over the growing use of trade-protectionist non-tariff measures that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, according to a report by the United States. release published on Saturday

<img clbad = "picture__ picture lazyload" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw ==" alt = ". The G20 Agriculture Ministers are seen at the beginning of the year. a visit to the 132nd Annual Exhibition of the Livestock and Agricultural Camp of the Argentine Rural Society in Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 28. 2018.REUTERS / Martin Acosta


BUENOS AIRES: G20 Agriculture Ministers Express Concern Over Increasing Use of Non-Tariff Protectionist Measures Incompatible with World Trade Rules of the World Trade Organization Organization (WTO), according to n statement issued Saturday

Ministers in Buenos Aires for the meeting of G20 Agriculture Ministers, said there had affirmed their commitment to refrain from adopting unnecessary obstacles to the international trade and baderted their rights and obligations under the WTO Agreements

(Report by Scott Squires and Luc Cohen; edited by Diane Craft)

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