G20 countries hail culture as an engine of “sustainable growth”


The first meeting of G20 Culture Ministers is underway in Rome at Palazzo Barberini, which houses the collection of ancient art from Italy.

The opening event took place on Thursday evening in a unique and spectacular setting: the Colosseum arena.

Culture ministers from 20 of the world’s largest economies as well as 40 high-level cultural delegations arrived to the sound of music played by the Italian Carabinieri group.

The Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini and the Director General of UNESCO France, Audrey Azoulay, welcomed the representatives of the delegations present, before the series of meetings on Friday.

“We meet at a crucial time: the pandemic has made our interdependence and the need for countries to work together even more evident: because global problems require global responses. At the same time, the pandemic made us understand how much culture is the lymph of our lives, ”said Franceschini in her opening speech.

“Empty squares, closed museums, cinemas, theaters and libraries have made our cities sad and disconnected. For this reason, we now know that culture will be the key to restarting, the engine of innovative, sustainable and balanced growth, ”added Franchescini.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi also attended the opening ceremony, also declaring that “support for culture is crucial for the revival of the country”. He said he was proud of the fact that this first meeting of G20 culture ministers is being held in Italy. “History and beauty are an integral part of Italian. When the world looks at us, they see above all art, music and literature ”. Draghi thanked all those who work in Italian theaters, libraries and museums “because the rediscovery of the past is a necessary condition for the creation of the future”.

The Prime Minister cited the record number of 58 sites in Italy inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and said: “A few days ago, joking with Minister Franceschini, I said that the whole country should be considered a UNESCO site ”.

On the eve of the G-20 cultural reunion, the vast medieval porticos of Bologna, dating from the 13th century, as well as Piazzale Michelangelo and the Abbey of San Miniato al Monte in Florence have been added to the prestigious list.

Earlier this month, the northeastern city of Padua, known for its early 14th-century Giotto frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel, and Montecatini Terme, a well-preserved spa town in Tuscany. “An extraordinary result,” commented Franceschini with satisfaction.

Discussions at Friday’s meetings will focus on protecting cultural heritage from risks, including natural disasters, environmental degradation and climate change, willful destruction and looting, and illicit trafficking in works. of art. The promotion of culture will also be addressed through digital and technological transformation and the training of young people.

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