Game of Thrones v Avengers: End of the game – what juggernaut wins? | Television and radio


CIn the end, the world will only remember April 2019 for two things: the release of Avengers: Endgame and the latest Game of Thrones series. Both mark the culmination of sprawling stories, both have a little too many characters to follow, and both are essentially very expensive soap operas. They are huge.

But what is the biggest? Let's play Game of Thrones vs. Avengers: Endgame against each other to see what's most culturally relevant.

Views of the trailer

We will begin with something factual. The official trailer of the Game of Thrones 8 series has been viewed 51 million times on YouTube to date. However, the official trailer of Avengers: Endgame has been viewed 83 million times and has only been online for a few weeks. Avengers wins


Some of the characters (well too) that appeared on Game of Thrones.

Some of the characters (well too) that appeared on Game of Thrones. Photography: HBO

According to Wikipedia, the Marvel film universe has presented us with 226 different characters from the perspective of Avengers: Endgame. At the same time, Wikipedia says that there have been 271 different characters on Game of Thrones so far. It's crazy. What do you think, Game of Thrones? It's way too many characters. Game of Thrones wins


Thanos and the king of the night are fully emblematic, thanks in part to their iconic gestures. Thanos has his finger broken and the king of the night makes his arm slowly rise. So who wins? Well, Thanos can kill half of all human beings in the universe at one time and the king of the night can bring the dead back to life. Ask yourself the following question: do you wish that there are more people in the world or less? Exactly. Avengers wins

Who would win in a real fight?

A step forward ... the Avengers comfortably beat the cast of Game of Thrones

A step forward … the Avengers would comfortably beat the cast of Game of Thrones. Photo: Chuck Zlotnick / AP

Are you kidding? This is a walk. The Avengers include an unstoppable green monster, a woman who has absorbed an explosion and who now has unlimited powers, as well as a Nordic god in the literal sense. Meanwhile, Game of Thrones has Littlefinger, a man who owes his name to his stupid fingers. Avengers wins

Fudge likely plot

Game of Thrones and Avengers: Endgame have taken care of setting up devices otherwise capable of saving their heroes from the clutches of an almost certain fate. The Avengers have the quantum realm; a subatomic dimension where the limits of time and space no longer disappear. Meanwhile, Game of Thrones has Bran Stark, a boy with prophetic visions and the ability to physically inhabit other people and other things. I still feel bad for Bran who fell out of the window, so Game of Thrones wins

Best reaction videos

Michelle Fairley as Catelyn Stark in "The Red Wedding".

There is a 35 minute compilation full movie of people screaming on … the red wedding. Photo: Helen Sloan / HBO

When Infinity War was released, a person snuck into a movie theater and recorded the reaction of the audience, which went from a triumphant cry to a haunted silence. It's fun, but there is nothing about the dozens and dozens of videos uploaded when the Red Wedding scene was aired. There is a full 35-minute video compilation of different people screaming and crying, which should tip the balance in favor of Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones wins

Best allegory of Brexit

This one is actually close. Avengers: Endgame is a group of brave heroes determined to do everything possible to reverse the worst decision anyone has ever made in history, namely Brexity. Meanwhile, Game of Thrones speaks of a group of short-sighted leaders bickering while deliberately ignoring the specter of an impending force to crush them beyond recognition, which is also very realistic. The big difference is that in Avengers: Endgame, the heroes have every chance to succeed, which is an act of pure fantasy without hope. Game of Thrones wins

So that's it. Game of Thrones is better than Avengers. Please, do not pick me up on Twitter.

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