Game of Thrones: Who is Westeros' worst war criminal? | The world


Who is the worst war criminal in Westeros? Does wildfire inflict superfluous injury? And does the use of dragons in combat violate international humanitarian law?

Australian Red Cross volunteer lawyers have spent hours working on HBO's hit TV Game of Thrones to answer some of these questions.

They searched for violations of the laws of the real world war, the framework that is supposed to govern all armed conflicts.

The main revelation of their badysis will absolutely shock fans of the series – the imaginary country of Westeros, where the series unfolds, is full of violent war criminals.

In fact, the humanitarian organization recorded no less than 103 violations of the laws of war during the first seven seasons, at one and a half crimes per episode.

The list of misery and unlawful brutality is long, including torture, summary executions and mutilations.

But we are talking about Westeros, so there are also shades of gray.

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