Get paid $ 66,000 to travel the world and try new incredible vegan dishes


The food outweighs all aspects of the trip. This is one of the best ways to experience a new country and you can now get paid to do it. A UK-based food subscription company is looking for a person who can travel around the world, trying out new vegan-friendly foods, and reporting to him for £ 50,000 (US $ 66,000) a year.

You can be paid to travel the world and taste the vegan cuisine. Getty's picture

Vibrant Vegan Co. is a food subscription company that is currently hiring a 'taste director' who travels the world in search of new, healthy, herbal foods and meals. All accommodation, travel and food costs are covered, plus 28 days of vacation and a salary of £ 50,000. A typical work week includes 35 hours and a lot of time away from home, in new countries and in search of the best local herbal products and ingredients.

The successful candidate will travel to very remote locations. Shutterstock's picture

The successful candidate can expect to spend up to four months on the road, in countries such as Japan, Mexico, China, India, Turkey and Chile. They must also be effective in networking because they will have to set up partnerships abroad to facilitate the search for new ingredients for society.

To be considered, applicants must also have at least three years of experience in the food industry, as a chef or in another role related to food. Applicants must be flexible and subject to a "rigorous maintenance process, thorough background checks, and an in-house tasting test to determine if their palette is" state of the art "."

Browse the world in search of new and exciting vegan ingredients. Getty's picture

At present, Vibrant Vegan Co offers 18 sustainable plant-based meals for socially conscious consumers. He also works closely with War Child, a charity for children, to fight child hunger in war zones around the world.

To apply for the position of "taste director", follow the instructions given here.

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