Getting up to use the toilet at night could be a sign of high blood pressure, according to a new study


If you often find yourself getting up to go to the bathroom at night, chances are you're not as rested as you'd like when your alarm rings. And if you're baffled by the cause – perhaps you've already reduced your fluid intake in the evening to try to solve the problem – a new study could provide the answer. In Japan, scientists have concluded that nighttime outings to the bathroom could actually be a sign of hypertension.

Dr. Satoshi Konno, of the High Blood Pressure Division of Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Sendai, Japan, said in a press release, "Our study indicates that if you need to", urinating at night – called nocturia – you may have high blood pressure and / or excess fluid in your body. " Dr. Konno added, "If you continue to have nocturia, ask your doctor to check your blood pressure and salt intake."

To test the badociation between nocturia and high blood pressure, the researchers conducted a study on 3,749 people. They compared their blood pressure measurements with the results of a questionnaire that participants completed, badessing their evening grooming habits. The researchers defined nocturia as one or more trips to the bathroom per night.

"We found that getting up at night to urinate was badociated with a 40% increase in the risk of hypertension," said Dr. Konno. "And the higher the number of toilet visits, the higher the risk of hypertension."

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However, the study did not "prove the causal link between nocturia and hypertension"; furthermore, the results may not be applicable outside of Japan. Dr. Konno added, "The relationship can be influenced by a variety of factors, including lifestyle, salt intake, ethnicity, and genetic background."

In addition, high blood pressure is not the only health problem badociated with urinating at night. You do not have to hurry to conclude that you have high blood pressure because you have a nocturia. According to the Cleveland Clinic, other issues, such as sleep disturbances – especially obstructive sleep apnea – might be to blame, or else the medication or supplements you are taking (an excess of vitamin D can cause frequent urination). The Mayo Clinic notes that urinary tract infections can also increase the need to go to the bathroom.

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Alternatively – and this might shock you – your nightly stays in the bathroom could simply result from excessive drinking before you go to bed. Alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated drinks are particularly likely to cause nocturia, says Cleveland Clinic.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends consulting a doctor if you get up at least twice a night to use the toilet, as it is unlikely you will get enough rest. Keeping track of how often you use the restroom at night can be helpful, suggests the nonprofit organization. Your doctor may ask you for a urine sample and run a bladder test.

On the other hand, if you have a habit every night of calming a cold beer at 10 pm, you might consider giving it up.

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