“Ghana assembles and manufactures vehicles locally” – reaffirms Alan Kyerematen as he inaugurates the Ghana Standards Authority Board


Trade and Industry Minister Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen affirmed that the government, through the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA), will continue to take measures that would allow Ghana to assemble and manufacture later vehicles locally.

The Minister of Sector directly recalled the important role that the Authority has played in the development of national automotive standards within the framework of the Ghana Automotive Development Program which is implemented by his ministry.

In addition, Mr. Kyerematen revealed that the GSA has developed more than 30 standards for vehicles.

“This enabled the homologation of vehicles allowing Ghana to assemble and later manufacture vehicles locally,” he added.

Mr. Kyerematen revealed this when he inaugurated the board of directors of the Ghana Standards Authority in Accra.

He congratulated the individual figures on their appointment by His Excellency the President, Nana Akufo-Addo to serve as members of the Board of Directors.

“It is a call to serve your country in a very critical role. I am convinced that this call for service should not be taken lightly, in particular to the industrial transformation which has since 2017 become the main driver of President Nana Addo Dankwa Addo-Addo’s vision of a Ghana beyond l ‘help,’ he said.

He said that over the past four years, the Ministry of Trade and Industry has implemented an aggressive industrial transformation program, anchored in a ten-point plan that aims to make Ghana the new center of manufacturing. for Africa.

In this context, he pointed out that the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) which is the national standards body of Ghana, the national metrology institute, the national certification body for products and management systems and is also involved in facilitating trade at ports of entry by carrying out inspections of imported or exported goods plays a very critical role.

“It is in light of the above that the Ministry of Trade and Industry supported the Ghana Standards Authority to strengthen its operations by acquiring the necessary equipment for laboratories, building the first laboratory of AC testing in Ghana and West Africa and purchasing equipment to verify accuracy of fuel sold at retail outlets, ”he noted.

Under the previous board and management team led by Professor Alex Dodoo, whom he described as a friend, Mr Kyerematen said the Ghana Standards Authority has taken an important step by issuing the very first code of Ghana building.

He pointed out that the Building Code, which was launched in 2018 and specifies requirements for buildings, schools, roads, among others, will give good value for money in construction.

According to him, the government, through the Ministry of Trade and Industry, will continue to support the operations of the Ghana Standards Authority to continue to play its important role in the implementation of the flagship programs.

He added that his team has the power to implement flagship programs, in particular the One District One Factory (1D1F) initiative, Strategic Anchor Industries initiatives, the Business Regulatory Reform Program (BRR) as well. as market integration frameworks such as African continental free trade. (AfCFTA), EU-Ghana Economic Partnership Agreement and Ghana-UK Trade Partnership Agreement.

“To be able to improve the performance of this important organization, it is necessary to adhere to good corporate governance and this board is responsible for working with senior management to develop policies and procedures for the prudent use of corporate resources. ‘Authority,’ he added.

Finally, he indicated that the GSA 2021 bill will be tabled in Parliament this year for review and approval.

“I expect the various provisions will aim to improve the functioning of the Authority and put you in a better position.

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