Ghana Gas completes connection works and takes over VRA gas supply


General News of Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Pipelines connecting the control station to the VRA power plant and WAPCO systems in Aboadz Pipes connecting the control station to the VRA power plant and WAPCO systems

The National Gas Company of Ghana (GNGC) has announced that it has finalized the connection of the Atuabo gas treatment plant and the Volta River Authority (VRA) thermal power plant to Aboadze, in the district. Shama, in the west of the country, to support the country's electricity production. mix.

With this feat, Ghana Gas can now supply VRA with 110 million cubic feet of gas to generate about 600 megawatts of energy a day.

Ghana Gas Communications Manager Ernest Owusu-Bempah told reporters yesterday in Aboadze after a tour of Ghana's Gas Regulatory and Measurement Station, VRA facilities at Aboadze and the West African Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCO).

"The connection is about 95% complete and we now have the 110 million cubic feet of gas supplied to the Aboadze VRA plant," he added, "we did this work less than the schedule. 12 days scheduled to stop maintenance work. "

He said that, in addition to the stock of VRA at Aboadze, Nigeria also provided about 500 megawatts to WAPCO, thus ensuring that the connection would now ensure reverse flow with VRA-WAPCO systems, ready to run when there was a shortage of gas. from Nigeria.

Mr Owusu-Bempah said that Akosombo's hydropower system would also generate 900 megawatts of energy to power the national pool.

"We have enough gas to power the VRA system at Aboadze and, as you can see, the gas is flowing from our end from Atabo to Aboadze. This is important to help us stabilize our power supply. Nigeria also provides 90 million cubic feet of gas, or about 500 megawatts to WAPCO pipelines. And with the connection and reverse flow, we are on the right track and power outages will be gone.

Mr. Owusu-Bempah indicated that during the last quarter, the project would still generate 60 million cubic feet of gas, or 400 megawatts in addition to the 900 megawatts available, pointing out that there is no had more gas to guarantee that there was more current. failures. "

He told reporters that Ghana Gas had completed the connection between ENI and Sankofa in the Sanzule enclave, which would represent an abundant 350 cubic foot gas intended to be routed to the eastern enclave whenever There would be a shortage of gas from Nigeria, adding about 95%. "

Pipelines and Stations Manager, Emmanuel Ackon, explained that Atuabo had a total production capacity of 405 million cubic feet of gas, but that, for the moment, "we're pushing 110 million cubic feet of gas per day".

On Saturday, March 30, Ghana Gas launched the Interconnection Program aimed at allowing the country to transport excess natural gas from the Takoradi enclave in the western region to Tema over a 12-day period .

PIC1,2, shows Ghana Gas's chief of communications, Mr. Ernest Owusu-Bempah, accompanied by the director of pipelines and stations, Emmanuel Ackon, in an interview with reporters.

PIC 3 & 5 Shows the pipelines connecting the control station connecting the VRA power plant and the WAPCO systems to Aboadze.

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