Ghana needs $ 22.6 billion to mitigate the effects of climate change – EPA | Social


Ghana is seeking a total budget of $ 22.6 billion for the implementation of its 31 national actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change from 2020 to 2030.

The country would therefore use the platform of the African Climate Week (ACW), to be held in Accra from Monday, 18 March to Friday, 22 March, to seek more partnerships to implement its nationally determined contributions ( GH-NDC), Dr. Emanuel Techie Obeng, senior program officer at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), said.

The theme of the ACW is: "Action for Climate in Africa: A Race We Can Win", while NDCs are each country's national action plans to address the challenges of climate change and help place the world in a trajectory of reducing carbon emissions and a climate resistant.

Dr. Techie Obeng, who is also the National Focal Point for Climate Education, Training and Public Awareness to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Ghana, said that 10 billion of the budgeted amount would be needed for climate change mitigation actions in the country. countries, while $ 12 billion would be used for adaptation actions.

Speaking at a media event program organized by the Climate Action Network-Ghana in partnership with the EPA, Dr. Obeng Techie said that Ghana was mobilizing six billion dollars on this amount from national sources, while the $ 16 billion would be mobilized. international sources.

He added that the Gh-NDCs also cover seven economic sectors with 20 mitigation measures and 11 adaptation actions, particularly in the areas of water, agriculture, agriculture and forestry. forestry, energy and gender equality.

Obeng urged the media to learn about climate change issues so they can work with the government and other stakeholders to mobilize actions that threaten human survival.

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