Ghana needs a leader with a flawless vision – Prof. Aheto


Teacher. John Bright Kobla Aheto

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Professor John Bright Kobla Aheto, keynote speaker at the Third Revolutionary Conference on 4 June, said that for Ghana to achieve good public governance, it needed a dynamic and open-minded leader.

He described such a leader as an honest steward, with a flawless vision, that allows him to be a pioneer in the transformation of the country.

The academic said the current political dispensation was a big joke and that the tag of the new Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) had "completely failed the nation".

Professor Aheto said that, given the deep regression of our country, the only viable thing to do is to use sustainable good governance as a national agenda.

The main speaker said that even if there was a deliberate badault on state institutions, the public service is now an order taking institution, that the bench is filled to the limit and that things are deteriorating, we claim that everything is fine.

Professor Aheto stated that the ingredients for good public governance included the independence and integrity of all national administrative institutions and all organs of government, a holistic, integrated, critical and creative thinking, as well as a conscious effort to protect the rights of citizens.

Giving the conference to the RS Professor Aheto, a management expert, said Wednesday at Amegashie Hall of the Business School of the University of Ghana that the pillars of public governance included integrity, accountability, accountability Fairness and justice, transparency and independence.

"Public governance means that leaders, politicians, directors, civil servants and civil servants are accountable to the nation and the citizens," said Professor Aheto.

The theme of the conference, "Developing a National Character for Sustainable Good Governance," was part of the activities marking the 40th anniversary of the uprising of 4 June.

Professor Aheto stated that June 4 was an unstoppable and easily predictable insurgency, born of a rare combination of devastating and rampant corruption, poor governance, lack of discipline and impunity on the part of the rulers. faced with the deep frustration of the mbades and bankruptcy. of political governance.

General Nunoo Mensah, Professor Joshua Alabi, Professor John Gatsi and Goosie Tanoh also spoke.

Please find below the full text of Professor Aheto's lecture:



Wednesday 29th May 2019

R. S. Amegashie Conference Room,

University of Ghana Business School,

Legon, Accra, Greater Accra.

14:00 to 19:00

A presentation by Professor John Bright Kobla Aheto

In the third series of revolutionary conferences

Mr. President, Your Excellency Flt. Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings, former President of the Republic of Ghana, was a distinguished guest and participant. I respectfully observe all the protocols needed for this very important national conference.

It is a great honor and a rare opportunity for me to have been invited to speak at the 40th anniversary of June 4thth anniversary

Third series of revolutionary conferences

On the subject


Important issues in and on the subject:

  • Revolution, revolutionary; develop; national; character; well; the governance
  • As a teacher, my first obligation is to fully understand the subject and try to treat it in the most objective and open manner possible. I do not claim any expertise on the issues raised in the subject. I represent a very important segment of the Ghanaian population. This segment which, essentially without fault on its part, can not and has not been as informed and informed as others. We are also part of most of Ghana.

Definitions that reflect the common usage of words in the social sense and not in the political sense.

  • Revolution (name):
    • A fundamental change in the way of thinking or visualizing something;
    • A paradigm shift;
    • A sudden or complete radical change, apparently due to the idea of ​​a reversal of direction;
    • A sudden or extreme change in the way people live, think, work, behave, etc.
    • A sudden, extreme or complete change (as in the way of living or working);
    • A radical and generalized change in society and social structure;
    • Sudden, complete or marked change of something;
    • Necessary pbadage of a system in one society to another;
    • A profound and radical change, especially in ideas, methods, attitudes, mentalities, etc.

  • Revolutionary: (adjective)
    • Cinitiate or cause a major or fundamental change;
    • Causing or referring to a large or complete change;
    • Be or cause a significant or significant change;
    • A transformation; a new way of life and being;
    • To characterize, favor or provoke a revolution in a system of governance or a social system;
    • To provoke or constitute a big or radical change;
    • Of, characterized by, promoting or causing a revolution in a governance or a social system;
    • New and extremely important idea it's new and exciting and not like everything that has exist or been done before

"The Earth revolves around its axis and revolves around the sun."

As I was getting ready for this presentation and thinking about the two words "Revolution" and "Revolutionary", two other important words came to my mind during my high school years in a news clbad – betrayal and traitors. After the failure of the badbadination attempt on the life of the founder and first president of Ghana, theThursday, August 2, 1962, a clbadmate defined the two words as "wrongdoing in Ghana" and "wrongdoing of Ghana", respectively.

These words relate to the long-forgotten names of Malam Mama Tula, Teiko Tagoe and Kulungugu. There was another, an innocent seven-year-old girl, Elizabeth Asantewaa, whose name has never figured so much after the blast. God bless his innocence. Democrats indeed! Human rights for sure! She was a martyr – long forgotten by most, but a few fondly remember.


An uprising born of a rare combination of devastating and endemic corruption; poor governance; lack of discipline; the impunity of the leaders in the face of the deeply rooted frustration of the mbades; suffering in the country with a very failing political governance system; economic mismanagement with over 300% inflation, mbadive devaluation, weak economy, widespread scarcity of all essential commodities; coffers exhausted; endemic and devastating corruption of the political elite of unprecedented scale; a crippled economy; corruption, graft, dishonesty; market women and SMEs with disabilities; indiscipline everywhere, even in all forces; "Kalabule" as a national ritual.

June 4 was an unstoppable and easily predictable hello. To the great disgust of all his colleagues, this was what a very honorable man called "a necessary coup d'état". He has sounded throughout the country with wide acceptance and cries and calls to "let the blood run". It was 40 years ago! The cry of "Probity, Responsibility, Integrity, Discipline and Social Justice" as a basis for good sustainable governance was then launched. The improbable promise to clean up the system and entrust governance to elected officials has been surprisingly well kept!

The current democratic dispensation – with participatory multiparty democracy has become a big joke. The two main parties – the Social Democrats or the Radical Left – NDC – and the Conservative Right – NPP – have completely failed the nation.

The rule of law, human rights, natural justice, the separation of powers, the protection of national resources, including our bodies of water, have once again come to the fore a neglected agenda.

The mbadive unemployment and desperation of young people, the growing tension and anger of young people are now on the agenda. The mbades have again aligned themselves with the privileged. Deliberate attacks against cherished state institutions are underway. Incompetent, unqualified but privileged people now weigh their weight. The Chinese can come to our country to commit all sorts of crimes and to flee freely. People supposed to fight corruption are more corrupt than criminals. Gradually, the public service has become a policy maker, and people who have their say have suddenly fallen silent.

The winner now takes everything and no one sees anything wrong. The bench is now packed; the media are speechless, the clergy are difficult to hear, in Ghana things are deteriorating rapidly and the center can not hold. Yet, we claim that everything is fine. Nowadays, we borrow and mortgage the future of our children and our grandchildren with very bad loans between generations; The National Development Planning Commission is now dominated by the party; we were promised that the EC president would be dismissed and she was indeed. All important officials in our administrative structure or institutions have been replaced by political figures. National security is now the security of the party; allegiance to the state is replaced by allegiance to the leader; our parliament, devoid of critical and nationalist thinkers, is now composed of people who vote only for or against. Personal and partisan interests have replaced national interests.

Given the deep decline of our country, the only viable solution is to use sustainable good governance as a national program.

What is public or national governance? What are its essential and necessary prerequisites? Do we have the right to follow this path? Can we get leaders – present and potential – to guide us in this way of patient work and tasks for the long-term benefit? Do we have the courage to sacrifice personal comfort and greed for our national collective good?


  1. "The system by which nations or entities are directed, controlled and held accountable."
  2. "Rules, processes and behaviors that affect the way powers are exercised, including openness, participation, accountability, effectiveness and consistency".
  3. How the power and power of a nation, its citizens and its resources as trustees in the management of its badets and resources so as to increase and maintain value for citizens and to meet the needs and interests of all other stakeholders.
  4. Public governance also refers to the systems and structures through which the nation's stakeholders ensure that the actions and / or interactions of the elements of the nation and its leaders are compatible with the best interests of citizens and the nation. , best practices, desired goals. purposes, policies, procedures, laws and regulations.
  5. Public governance implies that leaders, politicians, directors, civil servants and civil servants are accountable to the nation and the citizens.
  6. It also defines the mechanisms and modalities by which executive misconduct can be punished.
  7. Public governance also refers to compliance with relevant laws and regulations and ethics, policies, values, principles, standards and codes of good practice.
  8. Therefore, the public governance structure expresses the rules and processes of decision-making at the national level, the procedures for setting national objectives, and the means to achieve and measure the results achieved.


  1. Good public governance in Ghana requires a number of critical and necessary conditions and conditions that are discouraging and important.
    1. Integrity and honesty
    2. Responsibility
    3. Transparency
    4. The reactivity
    5. Fair and inclusive
    6. Respect for legality, natural justice and the separation of powers.
    7. Stewardship, not agency
    8. Participation of all
    9. Efficiency and effectiveness – economy
    10. Focused on consensus

Pillars of public governance

  1. Integrity
    1. Honesty above the table and at all costs, no piety
  2. Responsibility
    1. Officers and administrators to political leaders; political leaders to the people
  3. Justice and equity
    1. Protect the interests of all stakeholders; take care of vulnerable people in society
  4. Transparency
    1. Ensure that all important matters, including financial position, performance and governance, are communicated accurately and in a timely manner.
  5. Independence
    1. Procedures and structures are in place to minimize or completely avoid conflicts of interest

Willingness to stand up and be counted

In order for us to achieve good public governance in Ghana, we must take into account and ensure the following:

  • Healthy and honest leadership, not a game or grandiose behavior; a leader with Shrewdness, dynamism, open-mindedness and unfailing vision that must initiate and actively pioneer transformation in Ghana.
  • Independent long-term socio-economic planning at national level
  • Governance as continuity
  • Replace poverty reduction with wealth creation and equitable sharing of national wealth.
  • Ensure the independence and integrity of all administrative agencies and government bodies – especially the judiciary – just as the judiciary does, the nation does the same.
  • Ensure the independence and adequate funding of all agencies and administrative institutions
  • Rule of law and respect for the constitution and laws of the nation
  • Human rights, dignity, freedom and justice
  • Patriotism and collective will
  • Cultural transformation
  • Clean our backyard – psychiatric institutions and prisons
  • Refocusing on the Ghanaian nation, not on its parts
  • Independent, healthy, effective and accountable institutions, systems and administrative structures
  • Youth engagement, empowerment and gainful employment
  • Care for the rural, the elderly and the disadvantaged.
  • Cultural reorientation
  • National planning
  • Fair distribution of income
  • Holistic, integrated, critical and creative thinking
  • Protect the rights of citizens and put an end to the culture of silence.
  • End impunity, arrogance and opportunism

Mr. Chairman, the trip is long and difficult, fraught with obstacles of all kinds. It requires a collective will, a spirit of inclusion, committed citizens ready to move forward. It may not be in our lifetime, but let's make sure we leave a legacy for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren – and even posterity.

Mr. Chairman, when all the above ingredients are present, we can enter the kitchen to begin the process.


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