Ghana presents actions to address climate change during Africa Climate Week


By Josephine Naaeke, RNG

Accra, March 25 (GNA) – Dr. Emmanuel
Tachie-Obeng-National Contact Person on Climate Change Education and Awareness
the creation described the conference on African Climate Week which has just ended as one of the
the best.

He said that this offered Ghana opportunities to
present actions undertaken to reduce global warming and its impact
as far as climate change issues were concerned.

He noted that the conference allowed
government to engage investors to see how better create the enabling
environment conducive to partnership during and after the conference.

Topics discussed included; Capacity Building
transparency, innovation and investment, climate action led by young people, fight against carbon
pricing, cities and local actions.

Dr. Tachie-Obeng who said this in an interview
with the Ghana Press Agency in Accra said that people now understand the
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCS) which, when implemented
help fight the effects of climate change.

The five-day conference began on March 18
2019 brought together participants from diverse institutional and
countries around the world and was on the theme; Climate Action in Africa A
Race, we can win.

Mr. Kyekyeku Yaw Oppong-Boadi, National Focal
Nobody at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change who also spoke
GNA, expressed satisfaction with the level of participation of civil society
civil society organizations and the public, adding that "we had
engagement with President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo and the United Nations
Special Envoy and organizations that provided participants with a lot of room for
To ask questions.

He congratulated the UNFCCC for its presence and
the capacity of the Secretariat for various programs, adding that Ghana had
three pledges at the conference which were a forum on Ghana's NDCs, Ghana top
results and ambitions of COP24 and Ghana.

He stated that the conference had sensitized the
various stakeholders on the urgent need to take serious steps towards
implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The Paris Agreement aims to strengthen
the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global vision
temperature increase this century well below two degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial efforts and continue efforts to limit the temperature rise
even further down to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

He said that there was an exchange of ideas as
Ministers met with their counterparts and non-governmental organizations, all of whom
makes their entries.

According to Mr. Oppong-Boadi, the conference
improving knowledge on gender issues, carbon pricing,
technology transfer and expressed the
hope that the outcome of the conference will lead to more cooperation from
international community to mobilize support for the implementation of the
Paris Agreement.

Mr Richard Bernstein Akakpo of the Foundation for
Social and economic empowerment also expressed satisfaction with the level of
engagement of civil society and policy makers saying that the government alone could not do

Dr. Ama Tagbor, Chief of Advanced Services
MaterialScience Division of the Institute for Building and Road Research (BRRI) of
the Center for Scientific and Industrial Research in Kumasi stated that the conference
met its expectations as the BRRI research unit recently formed
Research Unit on Climate Change and Resilient Infrastructure.

She stated that the activities to be undertaken were included;
badessment and modeling of the impact of climate change on infrastructure,
research on the design of climate resilient infrastructure and the conformity of
greenhouse gas emissions in the short and medium term.


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