Ghana Water Company will cut the supply of Tamale, Savelugu, Nyankpala if …


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Ghana Water Company Limited has stated that it could be forced to to close the water supply of Tamale and its surroundings if the illegal activities of weaning the sand around the Dalun treatment plant are not interrupted.

According to the public relations officer of the Northern Water Company, their water extraction facilities only pull sand instead of water, which forces the company to reduce its production day by day.

"They (illegal weaning of sand) almost pollute the river, depilatory it is to the extent that now it is practically mud that we draw. It is for this reason that we warn that if we do not take the necessary precautions, we may be forced to suspend our activities, "said Nicholas Nii Abbey at a public forum organized by the Commission Regulatory Services in Tamale.

Ghanaian water company draws water from white Volta for processing and distribution even residents of Savelugu, Tolon, Nyankpala, Tamale and surrounding areas.

But illegal weaning of sand is not the only threat to the water supply of affected communities.

The total debt of the company amounted to 51.6 million Ghc in February 2019. It includes those of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA) which forms seventy percent total debt.

Nii Abbey is concerned that if nothing is done to avoid problems of reprisal, the project that could affect the communities in question could have a devastating effect on economic life, health and social life.

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