Ghanaian and Chinese paintings exhibited at & # 39; & # 39; Exhibition of the Silk Road & # 39;


Mr. Shi Ting Wang (3rd from left), Chinese Ambbadador to Ghana explaining the meaning of some paintings to the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo (right), at the exhibition. With them are dignitaries. Image: EDNA ADU-SERWAA

Mr. Shi Ting Wang (3rd from left), Chinese Ambbadador to Ghana explaining the meaning of some paintings to the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo (right), at the exhibition. With them are dignitaries. Image: EDNA ADU-SERWAA

A collection of Ghanaian and Chinese paintings was exhibited at the first 'Exhibition of Languages ​​and the Arts of the Silk Road' in Accra last Saturday.

The exhibition, organized by Greenhouse International Development Ghana Limited, aimed to promote cultural exchanges between China and Ghana.

It was also a Chinese belt and road initiative aimed at strengthening its connectivity with the rest of the world.

The Belt and Road Initiative was introduced by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 to strengthen connectivity with countries by strengthening infrastructure coordination, encouraging infrastructure development soft such as improving financial integration and cultural exchanges and tourism.


The Chinese Behavioral Law Society and the Chinese Academy of Culture co-organized the event, under the guidance of the Chinese Embbady in Ghana.

The First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo; the Chinese Ambbadador to Ghana, Mr. Shi Ting Wang; Ghana's ambbadador to China, Edward Boateng; the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Dr. Ziblim Barri Iddi; the chief director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Mr. Albert Yankey; Mr. Tang Hong, President of the Association of Chinese Companies of Ghana, and some representatives of the Sinohydro Group.


Before the opening ceremony, the First Lady and other dignitaries had inspected the paintings exhibited at the Confucius Institute of the University of Ghana, Legon.

The majority of Ghanaian paintings represented local market parameters, while Chinese paintings showed flowering and radiant plants, lush landscapes and portraits of Chinese personalities.

Live Chinese paintings were also presented, which excited the guests and personalities present.

The presentations

The culmination of the inspection was the auctioning of six paintings by six renowned Chinese painters, who brought in GH ¢ 180,000, of which 100,000 GH ¢ were donated to the Rebecca Foundation, as well as to a total of $ 30,000. a portrait of her and the president, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo.

Chinese paintings were also presented to Dr. Iddi, Mr. Boateng and other Ghanaian dignitaries, after which Ms. Akufo-Addo and Mr. Wang officially inaugurated the exhibition.
The exhibition was held for two days at the Confucius Institute and moved today to the Tang Palace Hotel in Roman Ridge.

Cultural exchanges

In her address, the First Lady called on Ghanaian and Chinese artists to enhance trade and cultural exchange through the Belt Road Initiative.

She said that the ancient Silk Road in China embodied the spirit of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness and mutual learning and of all. benefits shared by Ghana.

"Ghana joined the Belt and Road Initiative during President Akufo-Addo's visit to China last year. We are pleased to see the first results of this cooperation, particularly in the areas of infrastructure and interpersonal exchanges, "said Ms Akufo-Addo.

Mutual relations

In his address, Wang said the exhibition was part of China's efforts to strengthen mutual relations with Ghana.

"The relations between China and Ghana are not only about economic development, but cover all areas.

The exhibition will contribute to strengthening understanding and relations in the field of culture. This is a striking example of cultural exchange, "he said.

Creative Arts Act

Iddi, speaking on projects in the creative arts sector, said that President Akufo-Addo had created the Creative Arts Council, adding that the Cabinet also approved the Creative Arts Bill.

"Once adopted, it will create a fund for the creative arts, which will allow industry practitioners to find funds to fund their activities," he said.

Mr. Iddi also said, at the initiative of the First Lady, that the Chinese Embbady had agreed to renovate the Ghana National Theater, which is 25 years old this year.

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