Ghanaians in DC's Abronye say they do not have the chance to win 175 seats in the 2020 election ▷ Ghana news


We know that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) occupies 169 seats in Parliament out of 275 in Parliament.

Abronye DC claims that President Akufo-Addo's unprecedented achievements would enable him to win the 2020 presidency by a landslide victory, as in 2016.

Speaking on Rainbow Radio, he said the party held 169 seats in parliament, but that it was preparing to occupy 175 seats by 2020.

DC's Abronye congratulated President Akufo-Addo for having registered more success than former President John Mahama.

Eric listed the seats the NPP would lose in the 2020 elections.

Richard said that all politicians want votes.

Emmanuel said that propaganda would not lead to any party anywhere.

Julius advised no one to trust politicians.

Nana Kojo may have said in her dreams.

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Source: Yen newspaper

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