Ghana's president wants relations between Africa and Europe to change | News of colonialism


Africa must change its relations with Europe if it wants to become self-sufficient and exploit rich resources that could transform the continent, said the President of Ghana.

"Africa and Europe are natural partners … but [it’s] a relationship that must be different from what we've had so far, "Nana Akufo-Addo said Thursday after an interview with her French counterpart Emmanuel Macron.

His remarks were made in a speech to 400 representatives of the African diaspora in France gathered at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

"This relationship has enriched Europe, but not Africa, so we need to change that dynamic and we can only do it ourselves, taking the steps that are required for our future" said Akufo-Addo.

"We need to come out of the idea that there is a Santa who will come to develop our continent for us.There is no Santa Claus, there is only us. ", did he declare.

"So, Mr. President, we are saying that the time has come for us to take our destiny in hand," he said, speaking directly to Macron.

Former British colony, Ghana does not have the same historical ties with Paris as other former French colonies of West Africa. When Macron went to Ghana in November 2017, it was the first visit of a French president.

Recalling the exiles at home

Since taking office in 2017, Akufo-Addo is committed to encouraging African exiles to return home, especially those in the United States, whom they call the year 2019 "Year of the Year." return".

And the diaspora could play a key role in Africa, as it did in China, whose transformation into a global production center relies heavily on the huge investments of its overseas community, did he declare.

"This development of China has changed the status and position of Chinese people in the world," he said.

"Once we have found ways to educate this population and give them skills, we are putting Africa on a path to very, very strong economic growth," she said. he declares.

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