Ghosn: The former head of Nissan again arrested for new statements in Japan


Former Nissan chairman, Carlos Ghosn, has left his lawyer's office after being released earlier in the day from a detention center after being released on bail on March 6, 2019. Tokyo.

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The former Nissan chief, Carlos Ghosn, was arrested again in Tokyo while he was on bail while awaiting trial for charges of financial misconduct.

Prosecutors had opened a new case against him, involving payments to a dealer in Oman, Japanese media said.

In a statement, Mr Ghosn called the arrest "scandalous and arbitrary".

The boss of the auto, who denies any wrongdoing, was recently released on bail after 108 days in detention.

Tokyo prosecutors entered Thursday at Ghosn's residence before 18:00 local time (9:00 pm), and took him to their office as they suspected that he had embezzled Nissan funds for their use staff, reported the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

NHK said it was unusual for a person released on bail in Japan to be arrested again.

"I am innocent of baseless accusations and charges against me," Ghosn said in a statement issued by his representatives.

He said the arrest was "part of another attempt by some people at Nissan to silence me by misleading prosecutors".

This move is the last turning point in a case that has caught the attention of the whole world.

Mr Ghosn was the alliance architect between Nissan and the French car manufacturer Renault. He brought Mitsubishi in 2016.

The 65-year-old has been credited with a reversal of the fate of Nissan and Renault over several years.

What charges is he already facing?

Mr. Ghosn was arrested for the first time in November and faces three counts.

He was first charged with under-reporting his pay package for the next five years in 2015.

In January, new charges were brought against him, claiming that he had underestimated compensation for three more years and that he had also been charged with a new, more serious charge. breach of trust.

Mr. Ghosn denies all the charges against him. He was released on bail of $ 9 million in March.

The boss of the automobile also said Wednesday on a new Twitter account that he was planning a press conference on April 11 "to tell the truth about what's going on."

Renault pressure

The latest arrest came as Renault publicly criticized for the first time its former star leader, accusing him of "dubious and covert practices".

Ghosn resigned only from the French automaker in January, while Nissan and Mitsubishi removed him from his position as president shortly after his arrest.

Renault had initially questioned Nissan's allegations, but had conducted its own internal investigation.

On Wednesday however, Mr Ghosn was under pressure when he accused him of "violations of the group's ethical principles".

The automaker said it would end Mr Ghosn's pension, estimated at € 765,000 a year, stating that he reserved the right to bring an action against him in front of them. courts.

Renault also announced that it had "informed the French judicial authorities of the potential problems related to payments made to one of Renault's distributors in the Middle East".

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