GIFEC, Library Partner, Kofi Annan ICT Center on Digitization


General News of Monday, April 15, 2019



GIFEC Science Partnership 2 The partnership involves establishing firm guidelines and agreements between the two parties

The Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications has signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ghana Library Authority (GhLA) and the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Center of Excellence (AITI-KACE) in the field ICTs to promote the government's digitization program.

The partnership involves establishing firm guidelines and agreements between the two parties and clarifying specific roles and responsibilities.

At the signing ceremony, GIFEC Director Kofi Asante said that the Fund's new five-year strategic direction for 2019-2022 called for effective and efficient collaboration.

He stated that this was intended to ensure ongoing research to discover innovations in the ICT landscape, as well as to facilitate awareness and ICT literacy in underserved and underserved communities.

He stated that GIFEC had established a long-standing partnership with GhLA, which involved the provision of ICT equipment and Internet connectivity to regional, district and mobile libraries across the country.

Asante said that as part of this collaboration, computer centers would be established in the library's premises to promote affordable ICTs for Ghana's socio-economic development and avoid duplication of resources for Achieve similar end goals.

The Administrator said that in 2012, as part of the library connectivity project, GIFEC had provided desktops to the Authority's mobile van to help communities access computers for a fee. learning by experience.

He added that, following his promise to open a new era of growth, redesign of library services and distribution optimization to mark the rebirth after years of stagnation, mobile vans are now a cutting edge for the provision of library services. and were ready to resume their activities.

"GIFEC has provided the Authority with 100 laptops to support the project in this new era," he added.

He stated that GIFEC was working with AITIKACE to provide research results and innovations of GIFEC-sponsored products and services to badist the Fund in fulfilling its mandate and providing affordable ICTs. for the socio-economic development of Ghana.

Mr. Asante said that as a preliminary activity, the parties would conduct a strategic planning exercise to review AITIKACE's ongoing activities in Bolgatanga and Sunyani.

He added that the collaboration between GIFEC / GhLA and AITI-KACE would allow Ghana to keep pace with the digital eruptions that continue to shake the current technological era.

"This will facilitate the fulfillment of GIFEC's mandate to improve ICT infrastructure in disadvantaged communities and to provide computer literacy to all people, especially the disabled and marginalized in the information age." , did he declare.

Mr. Hayford Siaw, acting executive director of GhLA, said that the Authority had declared the year 2019 of Reading and that one of its objectives was to increase access Ghanaians to digital technology and create a conducive environment, which uses the services of the library.

He added that this collaboration would allow the AMF to reach more library users with their services, adding that they have 10 mobile vans fully equipped with laptops for rural areas.

He called on district leaders to work with the authorities to enable them to engage with the communities in their jurisdiction.

Mr. Stephen Baffour, Director of Finance and Administration of AITI-KACE, congratulated the management of GIFEC for the collaboration that has been undertaken to continue serving Ghanaians.

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