Girl disavows father for posing in front of a slaughtered lion in photo with wife – World News


A girl disavowed her father after a photo of him kissing his wife on a slaughtered lion's carcbad became viral.

Sydney Carter, 19, has sworn never to call her father "daddy" in response to the picture taken at a "canning hunt" in South Africa.

Darren Carter of Canada was criticized by her daughter for spending £ 12,000 on the trophy hunt instead of funding her education.

In a YouTube video, Sydney said, "I refuse to call my father, who does that?"

Darren and Carolyn Carter kissing on the body of a slain lion

Sydney has not seen her father for 10 years

"I will never understand people like that – who are proud to shoot a beautiful animal like a lion – I will never understand it."

Sydney, who has not seen her father for 10 years, was outraged by the fact that her father had spent thousands on hunting, although he apparently stopped child support after his father's death. entrance to the university.

The separated girl added, "So, Darren, if you ever look at this, just know that I do not call you my father anymore. You are a horrible person.

"Knowing that your trophy is hunting beautiful animals like lions, which are slowly becoming endangered, it's just … it's too much.

"I am someone who loves animals and I would not want someone to hurt them, and to know that my own father does it, I do not even consider you anymore as my father."

Sydney said that she hopes her father will not contact her anymore

She described Darren as a "horrible person"

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Main reports of Mirror Online

Sydney said she hoped her father would not get back to her.

The Daily Mirror calls for an end to the barbaric practice of trophy hunting as part of a campaign backed by politicians, celebrities and activists.

We also want to put an end to the hunt for canned animals – confining wild animals to small reserves just to kill them at a price.

Lorraine Kelly, star of the ITV channel, said: "I am dismayed and disgusted by what is called" sport. "I had the chance to visit Africa several times and see these beautiful animals I would like my grandchildren to do the same thing someday.

"I'm a supporter of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting and I think it's really great that the Daily Mirror is launching this campaign. He has my full support. "

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