GM expert says foods with health benefits have been shown to be healthier


June 6, 2019

A large number of tools to combat the global epidemics of malnutrition, obesity and related health problems are already present, but remain stuck in "limbo of development," according to a GM technology expert.

Professor Johnathan Napier of Rothamsted Research, a pioneer in the development of omega-3 fish heart healthy plants, says misinformation and over-regulation is stopping or slowing down many genetically modified foods that can save lives.

He cites the example of golden rice, genetically modified to provide more vitamin A than other varieties of rice. It was created by scientists almost 20 years ago. The initial concept had been developed at least 10 years ago.

Professor Napier said:

Vitamin A deficiency is a huge problem in developing countries. It kills or blinds more than one million children a year and affects hundreds of millions of people in total. Yet since last year, no golden rice has ever been grown for human consumption.

The technology is proven, rigorous safety studies have been conducted and nutritional studies show that golden rice is an excellent source of vitamin A – but it is still not produced, although it has been officially approved for food or feed in the United States, Canada and Canada. New Zealand and Australia.

It has been stuck in development limbo for too long and is not available to those who would benefit. If there were a pharmaceutical product that could have a beneficial effect on public health but was not made available, there would be a public outcry. And unlike many drugs, Golden Rice was created by its non-profit creators. "

While many features of improved crops aim to combat malnutrition in developing countries, others target the health impacts of obesity – such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. cerebral palsy – currently affecting the most developed countries.

Write in the newspaper Plants Nature, Professor Napier and his colleagues argue, based on the lessons learned by the entire industry over many years, that there are four main areas in which problems may arise and hinder the provision of crops providing nutritional improvements to consumers: the economic value chain, the patent system, the regulatory system and the acceptance of society.

And while these areas in themselves do not all have a direct impact on delivery speed, the way everyone is treated will certainly affect progress, he says.

"We want to avoid these pitfalls and want to highlight them too, especially with the new wave of potential crops improving nutrition."

Among these improvements are anthocyanin-rich tomatoes, Professor Napier's omega-3 study system, and various cereals fortified with iron or vitamins, such as folic acid.

The authors say that in many cases these barriers prevent such improved cultures from even leaving the laboratory.

We need a different path of innovation that does not depend on market forces or the economic situation to accelerate this process. If you consider that much of the science behind these developments has been publicly funded to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds, we owe it to the taxpayer at least to provide the promised benefits. "

Professor Johnathan Napier

Rather than relying on the industry to invest in and develop these scientific breakthroughs, the authors suggest that public funding be maintained to facilitate navigation in the regulatory process and produce a final product for the consumer.

Professor Napier said:

It is easy to imagine a model in which costs would be offset by savings made by national health services through a healthier population. In addition, the public is essentially becoming a player in the product, which could help dispel much of the suspicion surrounding the motives of multinationals that accompany many new products, both in the agricultural sector and in the medical sector. "

Co-author Matina Tsalavouta, head of research and impact marketing and communication at the University of Liverpool, said that it was possible to create an effective way to provide solutions as quickly as possible to the people who need it most.

"The issues highlighted in the paper also suggest that it is essential to work in different disciplines and with skills that bring together economists, public health researchers, intellectual property experts, social scientists and end-users to to explore all the issues that may arise from the remarkable technological advances in the life sciences. This approach could help develop solutions to pressing global health problems more effectively, "she added.

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