GNFS hosts withdrawal ceremony for Dr. Gaisie


Mr. Henry Quartey (center), Deputy Minister of the Interior, presents a quote to Mr. Albert Brown Gaisie (right), outgoing Chief Fire Officer, under the leadership of Mr. Blankson. Image: NII MARTEY M. BOTCHWAY

Mr. Henry Quartey (center), Deputy Minister of the Interior, presents a quote to Mr. Albert Brown Gaisie (right), outgoing Chief Fire Officer, under the leadership of Mr. Blankson. Image: NII MARTEY M. BOTCHWAY

The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) has organized a withdrawal ceremony for retired Fire Chief Dr Albert Brown Gaisie in Accra after 29 years of dedicated service.

The ceremony, which was held at the GNFS headquarters and observed by senior and junior officers, as well as retired CFO family and friends, was the first of its kind since 1963.


Dr. Gaisie was appointed Chief Financial Officer in 2014 and retired in 2018.

According to the GNFS, he had some success during his tenure, including the facilitation of the release of 1 million GH ¢ in service, as an advance on staff rent, the introduction of a weekly uniform code and officer training of the Management Development Productivity Institute (MDPI), the Institute of Management and Public Administration of Ghana (GIMPA) and other institutions abroad.

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It also facilitated the supply of 60 fire offers, 13 recovery trucks, 10 water offers and four turntable ladders.

He also provided a medical screening program for 640 senior officers and 2,000 junior officers across the country, organizing a medal ceremony for staff and media, among many other achievements.

Farewell speech

Dr. Gaisie thanked the GNFS for honoring him, saying that "an institution that does not honor its members is not worth dying for".

He stated that the event would encourage other officers to demonstrate discipline and dedication in the performance of their duties.

He urged staff and employees not to consider retirees as foreigners, stating, "If you retire, that does not mean you are absolutely out of the system; we have experience and we still have a lot of things to share. "

The retired CFO also advised senior officers not to consider their position as a possession because "after my long years of service, I finally retired, as you will one day. Others have come before you and others have to follow you, because once there is an entrance, there is an exit. It's your skills and attitude that will take you to your altitude. "


Chief Financial Officer Edwin Ekow Blankson congratulated the retired CFO for his immense contribution to the service.

He stated that Dr. Gaisie, during his tenure, was concerned for the well-being of the staff of the service and that his achievements were visible to all.

He said the service would continue to draw on Dr. Gaisie's rich experience, adding, "Your inhalation of toxic fumes, as well as your fire injuries, are over.

However, your firefighter duty is not over.

For his part, Henry Quartey, Deputy Minister of the Interior, thanked Dr. Gaisie for climbing the ladder to become the CFO, who introduced many innovations that resulted in a general improvement of the service.

"A country that does not honor its heroes is not worth the trouble of dying. Therefore, recognizing the contributions of such a distinguished person is a source of inspiration for young people, who also strive to follow in your footsteps to make our country stronger and bigger, "she said. he declared.

The Deputy Minister badured management that the government would commit to providing them with the necessary resources and equipment to enable them to fulfill their mandate with greater professionalism.

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