GNPC Foundation donates 20,000 Gh ¢ to Bakatue Festival


A GNPC Foundation team led by its Executive Director, Dr. Dominic Kwesi Eduah, took part in a major concert of the Edina Bakatue Festival in the Central Region on Saturday, July 6, 2019.

It was to show his support and celebrate with the chiefs and residents of the traditional area of ​​Edina.

The Edina Bakatue Festival, an annual event, is celebrated to thank Almighty God for his guidance and protection, his abundant harvest and his support for projects.

This year's event marked the 150th anniversary of the festival and attracted several prominent personalities, including the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, HE Alhaji, Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia, MP for Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem, Hon Samuel Atta Mills, Mr. Thomas Adjei, Deputy Minister of Central Region, Mr. Akwasi Agyemang, CEO of the Ghana Tourism Board, among others.

Dr. Dominic Eduah delivered a speech on the infrastructure projects undertaken by GNPC in the central region.

He encouraged parents and guardians together to access the GNPC Scholarship Program for their wards at which a public institution of higher education offered admission to study science-related subjects. , Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as Special Needs Education.

Mr. Eduah also praised the chefs' initiative to help fishmongers in the region move from traditional methods of fish preservation, such as smoking and curing, to innovative and hygienic methods using modern ovens producing less smoke.

"Such traditional methods are not only detrimental to effectiveness, but are also detrimental to the health of women who enter the economy because of exposure to excessive heat and smoke," he said.

He donated 20,000 cedis (20,000 GHS) on behalf of the GNPC Foundation to support their celebrations.

Edina's supreme leader, Nana Kodwo Condua VI, congratulated GNPC for its friendly gesture.

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Daniel Kaku
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