Government reduces North-South development gap – Veep


Tamale, May 31, GNA – Vice President Dr
Mahamudu Bawumia, says the government is promoting inclusive development for
bridge the gap between north and south.

He said the government led by President Akufo-Addo
Deploys Programs Such as Free High School, Planting for
Food and Employment, Plantation for Export and Rural Development, Livestock for Food and
Jobs, a village, a dam, irrigation systems and water construction
systems across the country to ensure that no citizens are left behind.

Speaking to the first northern region
Development Summit in Tamale Thursday, Vice President Bawumia said that he was in
recognition of the challenges of development, the government has therefore created the
The coastal, middle and northern development authorities to facilitate the
rapid development of regions.

He said that a recent UN report on development
Human Development Report 2018 of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) made some key findings:
indicating that, the northern regions of the country had less health, education
and living standards, compared to the southern sector.

Vice President Bawumia noted that the
Concerned about the development gap, the President was determined to
close it with deliberate social interventions.

"The President has been very clear that one
the legacies he wants to see is to bridge that gap between the north and the
to the south, and we are going in that direction, "he said.

He mentioned some interventions in the
agricultural sector, such as Planting for Food and Jobs, which provided
better access to seeds, extension services and subsidized fertilizers
farmers, giving positive results in the north.

Plans are also underway to increase the area
irrigable land financed by the Government from 12,980 to 60,000 through the
Construction of the Pwalugu Multipurpose Dam and Phase II of the Bui Dam
project, with Agric Mechanization Centers designed to provide badistance to
plowing and other services are also on the horizon, he added.

"Access to affordable education is also
important for the president, that's why we set up the Free SHS for
ensure inclusive transformation.

"I always say that Free SHS has been more
beneficial to northern Ghana than anywhere else. People said that free
education has always been in the north, but you and I know that it was not
completely free. But Free SHS has changed
all that. In every village that I have visited, it is clear that it is
help, "he said.

Other projects to be implemented
understand; the transport of Lake Volta between Akosombo and Buipe, the integrated network
Iron and steel industry exploiting Yendi iron ore reserves, Tamale
The airport terminal will start in June and the Accra – Paga railway line, which
contribute to closing the development gap.

Vice President Bawumia expressed concern
sporadic disturbances in parts of the north, noting that the
the conflict had delayed development and frightened investors.

"As a people of northern Ghana, we must strive
to build peace and consensus regardless of our political, ethnic and religious

"We must leave the past behind and
pursue an agenda that will pool our resources to build a just and equitable society.
and a prosperous society, where there is an equitable distribution of resources
in our regions for the benefit of our people, "said Dr. Bawumia.

The summit, formerly known as Mole
Series on the theme: "Accelerating the sustainable development of
Northern Ghana in the context of peace, security and Ghana beyond help ".

The event is attended by senior
government officials, policy makers, development partners, civil society
organizations and academia.


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