Government to deploy 220 mine guards in April


General News of Sunday, April 7th, 2019



Operation Vanguard 1 Some members of the Operation Vanguard team

The government has announced that the first group of 220 mine guards trained to control mining activities across the country will be deployed in April 2019.

This stems from the activities of a few unscrupulous miners in the North West.

A visit to parts of Diaso, Wbada, in the western region, confirmed the destruction of much of Ghana's rainforest destroyed by artisbad miners' activities in the Diaso Forest.

It was clear that, despite the measures put in place to reduce the threat, some recalcitrants are flouting the rules of engagement for responsible and environmentally responsible mining.

One measure that the government has put in place is deploying mining guards that will strengthen the efforts of the Vanguard illegal mining task force.

The mine guards have been trained in surveillance, ethics of security services, as well as appropriate means to proceed with the arrest of illegal minors.

They would serve as interlocutors for all forms of mining, including small-scale gold mining, sand mining, quarrying and quarrying. and other industrial mineral processing operations in the satellite areas created by the Minerals Commission.

The team will also monitor mining activities around the water mbades.

Kweku Asomah Cheremeh, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, said he hoped to train more field-based mining guards to strengthen the efforts of other agencies in the region. sector.

He said, "We are committed to cleaning up the mining sector. That's why we implement many innovative solutions. One of them is the formation of the guards of mines and forests. The first batch of mine guards will be deployed in April.

Three hundred and eighty others will be sent to the police academy for training.

"After their training, they will also be deployed to reinforce cutting-edge operations. We are doing this to deal with the level of devastation in these areas, "he added.

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