Government to rename four public universities in a new bill


Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh - Minister of Education

Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh – Minister of Education

Four public universities in the country will be renamed after the adoption and adoption by Parliament of the draft law on public universities, without any amendments.

The institutions concerned include the University of Development Studies, the University of Accra's Professional Studies, the University of Health and Allied Sciences, as well as the University of California. Energy and natural resources.

It is expected that the University of Development Studies will be named after the first President of the Republic, Jerry John Rawlings.

The University of Accra Professional Studies will be renamed after its founder, Nana Opoku Ampomah.

One of the former members of the United States Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) and the Convention People's Party (CPP) will be honored by the University of Health and Allied Sciences, while the United University of Energy and Natural Resources will be named in honor of Ghana's former Prime Minister, Kofi Abrefa Busia.

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Last year, President Akufo-Addo hinted that the government will soon rename the University of Accra Professional Studies (UPSA) after its founder, Nana Opoku Ampomah.

This happened after he officially renamed the University of Mining and Technology (UMaT) in George Grant University after the first president of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC).

The president also announced that the Wa Polytechnic will be named in honor of Ghana's former president, Hilla Liman.

We will tackle portions of the bill "threatening" university autonomy – MP

Following reports of controversial articles in the bill, a senior member of Parliament's Committee on Education, Peter Nortsu, said the committee would address aspects of the policy that undermine the law. university autonomy.

The bill notably gives the president the power to dissolve and reconstitute the board of directors of a public university in case of emergency.

The President also has the power to appoint an interim board for a period of time.

According to the project, a university council is made up of nine people, including a president appointed by the president.

But in response to the reports emanating from the bill, Mr Nortsu said that it was in Ghana's interest to preserve the semi-autonomous status of the universities.

"So it is, the government is trying to control the management of public universities, which is not the best. This will deprive universities of this autonomy or freedom, so universities will be run like high schools. "

The Education Committee will make a recommendation when the bill will be introduced and Mr. Nortsu badured that "when it will be presented in its entirety, we will consider it and, when it is will aim for the government to control the universities, we will tackle the project, "he added.


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