Government wants to crack down on illegal importers – Dr. Gideon Boako


General News on Friday, April 5th, 2019



Gideon Boako90 Spokesperson for Dr. Gideon Boako, Vice President

Gideon Boako, spokesman for Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, said the government would soon launch a national crackdown on illegal importers as part of measures to maximize income generation.

He said some importers were smuggling through unapproved entry points from neighboring West African countries, a decision which he says deprives the state of sums of money. huge, which is necessary for development.

Speaking on "Mpu ne Mpu" with Nana Yaa Konama at UTV, he warned importers involved in criminal acts, including truck drivers and their agents, to refrain from any criminal activity in order to avoid any pursuit.

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia and the chairman of the Economic Management Team (EMT) said on Wednesday that the reference value of import duties had been cut in half, while importers of vehicles would benefit 30%.

According to Boako, the recent reduction in import levies should encourage illegal importers to channel their products through appropriate channels to ensure effective revenue mobilization for national progress.

The government's decision to reduce taxes while putting in place measures to raise more revenue at the national level shows how much the government is responding to the financial challenges. Therefore, any attempt to thwart the government's efforts will be met with great resistance, "he added.

Mr. Gideon Boako explained that the 50% reduction of the reference import values ​​in Ghanaian ports was 30%, which would bring long-term benefits. Importers should therefore ensure that it also affects the lives of ordinary Ghanaians.

He explained that the Vice President, Mr. Bawumia, and the Economic Management Team, after a thorough investigation of the concerns raised by importers and Ghanaians regarding the high level of the rights of import, presented an opportunity to badist Ghanaian importers by significantly reducing import levies. The Akufo-Addo administration is a responsive government that always cares about the interests of Ghanaians.

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