Government will provide fishing nets | General news


The Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Elizabeth Afoley Quaye, revealed that the government planned to provide fishing nets to fishermen at a reduced price.

According to her, the move is part of the measures to support the fishing industry.

She stated that the fishing sector provided livelihoods for a large number of the population, particularly in the coastal and inland enclaves, estimated at about 10% of the total population, as envisaged by the objective of sustainable development n ° 8.

Ms. Afoley Quaye revealed it when she gave a presentation on "Protecting Fisheries and Aquaculture for a Sustainable Food Supply and Creating Jobs" at the 6th National Policy Summit. in Cape Coast.

The Minister's presentation, which also serves as the MP for Krowor, focused on the government's vision for the fisheries sector, promoting aquaculture development, and strengthening the sustainable management of marine fisheries. and the development of fishing infrastructures.


The Minister underscored the government's vision as set out in the Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework (2018-2021) to transform and develop the fisheries and aquaculture sub-sectors to increase their productive share in GDP over time.

"In the face of the challenges faced in the marine sub-sector, the Government is committed to boosting aquaculture production, which will contribute to a drastic reduction in domestic fish imports for Ghana and, as a result, increase the number of fish caught." foreign savings, "she said.

According to her, "this is a clear policy change that focuses on increasing aquaculture production as one of the main flagship products of the president. Akufo-Addo. "

Aquaculture development

Ms. Afoley Quaye said the government was determined to increase its support to the aquaculture industry with the goal of increasing fish production in the country in order to gradually offset the importation of fish and fish products. and create additional work opportunities along the aquaculture value chain for unemployed youth teaming especially in rural communities.

"In this regard, the government, through the MoFAD, is implementing the flagship Aquaculture Program for Food and Employment (AFJ) to complement the ongoing National Planting Initiative for food and employment, "she said.

The minister added that "under the AFJ program, about 10,200 unemployed youth will be mobilized into farm business groups and supported by the necessary inputs such as fish feed, fingerlings, tanks and water supplies. cages for commercial fish farming ".

She said that "economically viable and troubled aquaculture institutions, graduate institutions and other public institutions will also receive support for the establishment of new production points in the country. aquaculture ".

She stated that "the program is being implemented in collaboration with Nation Builders Corps (NaBCo) and is expected to create 7,000 additional direct and indirect jobs and provide an additional 33,628 tonnes of fish per year for three years (2019-2021)" .

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