GRA boss calls for efficient time management


Mr. Kofi Nti (left) receiving a punctuality symbol from Mr. Emmanuel Amarquaye, a defender of punctuality

Mr. Kofi Nti (left) receiving a punctuality symbol from Mr. Emmanuel Amarquaye, a defender of punctuality

The Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Emmanuel Kofi Nti, urged the workers to change their attitude towards the respect of the hour in order to contribute to the development of the nation.

He stated that he was punctual, demanding discipline, and stressed that "we can not tolerate indiscipline and expect our country to grow at the same time".

Mr. Nti spoke after signing a punctuality engagement with the Punctuality Ghana Foundation to demonstrate his commitment to time and discipline in the workplace.

"As a people, we are going to witness a change in attitude," he said.

Although Mr. Nti stated that he was already firmly committed to ensuring the punctuality of GRA by signing attendance sheets, he felt that it was necessary to reiterate this position when the signing of the commitment.

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The Punctuality Ghana initiative is not surprising, as President Akufo-Addo has repeatedly emphasized the need for the Ghanaian workforce to become accustomed to punctuality.


The Commissioner General of the GRA stated that it was necessary for the GRA and the Foundation to work together to ensure that Ghanaians paid their taxes on time, adding that the GRA used innovative ways to ensure that taxpayers can easily meet their tax obligations, including mobile money transactions.

Naa Meryeh Quaynor-Mettle, project coordinator for the Ponctuality Ghana Foundation, said the visit to GRA was part of the public awareness campaign on punctuality, launched in June 2018.

She added that the organization's mission was to facilitate Ghana's efforts to become the most effective African country, stressing that the effort must change from simply complaining to the work program from 08:00 to 17:00, to offer a service 24/24.

Punctuality Ghana's mandate, she said, was to measure punctuality in terms of productivity, growth, development, increasing state revenue, reducing corruption and making Ghana attractive to Foreign investments.

Mr. Emmanuel Amarquaye, a punctuality crusader, expressed his concern about the bureaucracies of organizations, especially public ones.

He added that this practice took time and money and was an obstacle to the efficient provision of timely services that people would be willing to pay.

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