Greater Works Conference Ends with Declaration to Make Younger Generation Fulfill the Dreams of Nkrumah, Kawunda, Nyerere and Other Great Africans | General news


The annual Greater Works conference organized by the International Central Gospel Church ended in Accra with a call to young Africans to fulfill the dreams of Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Dr Kaunda, Julius Nyere and other great Africans to accelerate the development of the continent.

Speaker on the last day of the 3-day event and general overseer of the ICGC, Pastor Mensa Otabil said it is possible for Africa to use 25 years to catch up with development instead of 250 years as envisioned by the experts.

“It’s Africa time, a new generation is being born, the Joshua generation”

The theologian said that God will work a cosmological miracle and make a massive difference in favor of Africa.

He said the dreams of great Africans like Dr Kwame Nkrumah from Ghana, Dr Kenneth Kaunda from Zambia, Julius Nyerere from Tanzania, Ahmed Sekou Toure from Guinea, Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe, Leopold Sedar Senghor from Senegal will be realized.

Pastor Otabil hoped that the scourge where Africans shamefully lined up behind embassies to seek greener pastures would soon be over as the continent will soon emerge from its 3rd world status.

“I believe in God and in Africa that the same God that Joshua spoke with to extend the time can reduce the time,” he said.

As he preached the sermon titled “This is My Moment,” he told the congregation, the world is seated at a time in history designed for them.

Pastor Otabil continued his biblical account of how the Israelites defeated the Amorites by reading Joshua 10: 11-14.
He recalled how Joshua pleaded with God to allow the sun and the moon to stop to conclude the mission to defeat the Amorites.

The motivational speaker said if God gives a mission and time threatens it, God will come and adjust the earth system so that time is not against you.

“God will not allow time to be assigned to you, so if you do what Joshua did, God will give you permission,” he said.

The final day of the conference also saw the song ministry by lumina and various ICGC choirs.

This year’s Greater Works conference has been resized to three days from the usual 5-day event following the measures announced to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

The church rectory also reduced service time to two hours in accordance with presidential guidelines and implemented strict adherence to Covid protocols on site grounds to ensure the safety of all members.

Greater Works Conference is coming back bigger, better and bigger next year.


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