Gretchen Rossi from The real housewives of Orange County happily welcomed a little girl on July 10th.
Rossi and her boyfriend Slade Smiley announced that Skylar Gray Smiley arrived safely via a cesarean section and that the new mother and her new daughter had spent a few days in the hospital recovering and getting to know each other. Rossi wrote on Instagram: "The most incredible and moving day of my life! I'm fine too ? Of course, the caesarean section hurts me, but it was all worth it! "
Since giving birth, Rossi has generously shared a large number of pictures, videos and reflections on his new mother. Besides the joys of snuggling and bonding with the baby, some of the unpleasant side effects of childbirth include having a cesarean section.
Recovery was not easy
Many new mothers find that bouncing is not easy, especially after a cesarean section. Rossi was not hesitant to publish articles about his pain and recovery. "We took time on social media to simply bond and be with our little angel! My recovery was very difficult (I went back to the doctor to check if I skipped a point), "she wrote.
Postoperative pain was difficult. "This has been the most difficult thing I have ever done to date, the most incredible, most rewarding and most incredible experience of my life! I cry every five seconds it seems, either because of pain, hormones, or just pure bliss looking in his sweet little eyes! She is also badfeeding 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but she got on well … Thank God!"
In addition to the pain badociated with surgery, many new mothers find that their hormones become unruly. "These 4 days and 3 nights were the hardest days of my life, is that you're trying to recover from major abdominal surgery (not to mention that I've never had a major surgery in my life) Admitted Rossi. on Instagram. Plus, "deal with swelling and hormonal changes in my body while trying to learn how to badfeed and meet your baby's needs, but also trying to keep your head out of the water and to take care of yourself in order to be the best mom for your baby. I cried a lot, I was nervous, I was scared, I had pain and I did not know how to do everything properly.
She also experienced this post-op side effect too
Having a caesarean section can also mean that the new mother can also suffer from considerable swelling. Rossi is inspired by his story to comment on his swollen face, legs and feet. "Look at these headaches," she wrote hilariously with a video of her ankles.
Postoperative swelling is common after cesarean section, according to The Bump. New moms are generally not prepared for swelling of their faces and extremities. "I would have liked to know that my feet and ankles would swell up to four times their size," said a new mom at The Bump. "I learned later that it was common, but it was still really disconcerting, because it was unexpected."
The swelling is often due to the accumulation of intravenous fluids. In addition, post-pregnancy hormones can also promote swelling. The good news is that swelling is expected to decrease by a week or so. In the meantime, it seems that Rossi and Smiley are enjoying their new roles as fathers and mothers.
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