Guests of the Jeremy Kyle Show "taken to drug dealers paid by the bosses"


More dark secrets of the Jeremy Kyle Show exposed in the Dispatches investigation (photo: ITV)

Guests at the Jeremy Kyle Show smoked drugs with producers and were nurtured before going on stage, according to a Dispatches survey.

Channel 4's hit television series will feature a special television show on tonight's bat fight, which was suddenly canceled following the death of 62-year-old Steve Dymond.

The dispatches spoke to several high-level staff members and guests who came forward to criticize the Jeremy Kyle Show's follow-up, saying it did not exist.

An anonymous producer told journalist Morland Sanders that drug customers were often encouraged to visit their reseller, their costs being supported by the production, before being broadcast.

"Researchers, PAs and sometimes farmers smoked marijuana with guests at hotels the night before to keep them happy. If guests became flaky, they would appease them in any way possible, "they said.

More: ITV

"There was a contributor who was an addict and had since stopped taking drugs and cleaned up their act, but in reality, the series wanted them to take drugs because there is no story without it. One of the producers was asked to "give the person back this drug" and at one point he was asked "to leave money on a table to take this money and buy the drug". drug".

They continued, "The guests were treated like cattle. Behind the scenes, they created a kind of labyrinth. That's why if guests leave the stage, it's a controlled environment. The cameraman knows where to go. The guest will not find his way because everything is similar. "

Another unidentified producer who worked on the Jeremy Kyle Show when it was launched in 2005 said that the staff had been asked to use a technique called Talking Up, which essentially annoyed the guests before their confrontation with Kyle.

"All the new employees who were in the series were trained in a big meeting and we were taught the process they used in the series, called" Talking Up ", which I had never seen before. previously, mainly because of the series. It's a matter of conflict resolution, you need people who come into the series to be in conflict when you get along … when they are in the series, "they explained.

& # 39; So, it was about creating a rapport with someone, then using this report to set it up, … Before watching … before starting the show , while I was just looking at him as a spectator, you somehow badume that people who do so in the series are quite normal, and they have to be exactly in their normal lives, and I think that when working on the series, you realize that … they were produced to be so. & # 39;

Another member of the production sector said he often saw pots of beer behind the scenes of the contributors and went to the locker rooms, which they would have been told for "medicinal purposes" to keep alcoholics "level".

More: ITV

Stacey Talley, a guest who participated in the show last May, claimed that she had been sent home without any follow-up despite some valuable difficulties related to depression.

"I already tried to kill myself, they already knew it," she told Sanders. "They knew that I was vulnerable even before I went. I thought, "I can not do that, my anxiety is so bad. It's like saying to them that I do not want to do it, I'm sorry, I can not do it. And they were like … well, as soon as you sign this contract, the control is out of control. your hands then. You're screwed, you go on this show. "

Dwayne Davison, dubbed the most hated guest of Jeremy Kyle Show, told Dispatches that he had been locked in a room for 10 hours without a phone or way to contact his partner.

Dwayne Davison claimed to have been locked in a room for 10 hours (photo: ITV / Rex Features)

"They are trying to put you in a position where you are very tense, you know," he said.

A spokesman for ITV denied all allegations.

"ITV has many years of experience in broadcasting and the creation of programs featuring members of the public. Each of our productions has implemented due diligence measures for contributors. All of our processes are reviewed regularly to ensure they are adapted to a changing environment.

"In the case of the Jeremy Kyle Show, the program put in place detailed and detailed due diligence processes for contributors over 14 years, and this series has had many positive results: people have solved long-standing personal problems, the channel said.

"The guests were taken care of by our social welfare team before the shoot, throughout the shoot and after the shoot. If they need continuous help, appropriate solutions have been found for them. This could include institutional rehabilitation, counseling, anger management, family mediation, child mediation, or counseling for couples. "

Jeremy Kyle's show was canceled following the death of Steve Dymond (photo: PA)

ITV continued: "Our records show that relationship counseling was offered to Stacey and her partner, but he refused to attend the meeting and could not be provided. Stacey and her partner were both aware that the relationship consulting service would continue to be offered should she change her mind.

"All guests are contacted within 24 hours of being recorded, so we were aware of Stacey's suicide attempt and arranged counseling sessions for her."

Returning to Davison's allegations that he was locked in a private room, a spokesman added: "No one is ever locked in a box and no guests have been in a box for 10 hours. Guests are brought to the studio about three hours before a recording.

"If Dwayne had talked about his mental health issues to the production team after twice participating in the program, steps would have been taken to remove the clips from our YouTube channel and not repeat the programs."

Jeremy Kyle: The TV trial will be broadcast tonight at 8 pm on Channel 4.

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TO BE FOLLOWED: A woman protests to put the Jeremy Kyle Show back on the air after its cancellation

MORE: Investigation into the death of Steve Dymond, guest of Jeremy Kyle Show, which will take place today

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