Easy to forget.
The Marvel cinematic universe is a remarkable achievement. a rich narrative tapestry that covers more than a decade of movies and literally contains hundreds of characters. And yes, that means it can sometimes be a bit difficult to keep track of everything that's going on. Yet, you think that if you actually have appeared in the movies, you will probably remember it. This is not the case of Gwyneth Paltrow, who really forgot that she had a scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming until one of his clients reminds him.
Paltrow recently appeared on the first episode of The chef's show, The new culinary series of Netflix presented by Jon Favreau. Favreau achieved the first two Iron Man movies and also plays Tony Stark's driver, Happy Hogan. He and Paltrow shared the screen repeatedly, including a scene at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Look, I'll prove it to you.
The only thing to do is that no one told Paltrow that this scene was for a Spider Man movie? That, or she just forgot to take it. Because when Favreau broaches the question by zesting an orange, she has no idea what he's talking about.
"Remember we were on Spider Man? "Ask him Favreau.
"We were not Spider Man, "She responds with confidence.
"Yes we … yes we were," he said confused. "You were in Spider Man."
"No," she insists. "I was in it Avengers. "
"No, you were in Spider Man so, he tells him. "Do you remember at the end, and Tom Holland is here, and you're going out and doing a press conference? C & # 39; was Spider Man."
"C & # 39; was Spider Man? "she asks," Oh my God. "
Really amazing.
Gwyneth Paltrow really did not know that she was part of "Spider-Man: Homecoming." This adorable interaction of "The Chef Show" is easily what I prefer on the Internet. pic.twitter.com/lc3VlSs1Hp
– Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) June 7, 2019
The following Spider Man movie, Far from homearrives in cinemas in July. I do not think Gwyneth Paltrow is involved, but even if she is, she probably will not notice it.
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