Hacked Bitpoint Exchange discovers $ 2.3 million in stolen cryptography


Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Bitpoint discovered more than 250 million yen ($ 2.3 million) in cryptocurrency, a $ 32 million stolen last week, the English-language daily The Mainichi reported. the 14th of July.

According to The Mainchi, Bitpoint discovered cryptocurrency stolen from foreign stock exchanges using a commercial system made available by Bitpoint Japan. Bitpoint told The Mainchi that the recent discovery brings the total amount of lost discoveries from 3.5 billion yen ($ 32 million) to 3.02 billion yen ($ 28 million).

The stock market was initially hacked on July 12th. 2.5 billion yen ($ 23 million) of stolen funds belonged to customers and one billion ($ 9.2 million) to the stock market. The hackers stole Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ether (ETH) and XRP in the hot wallets of the exchange.

Bitpoint has suspended all services as a result of the hacking, while stock exchange parent Remixpoint Inc. loses 19% as a result of the theft. Remixpoint was not sold in Tokyo after the attack due to an overabundance of sell orders.

The recent incident involving Bitpoint follows a record exchange between the Japanese Coincheck exchange in January 2018, in which $ 534 million of NEM tokens were stolen from the Coincheck high-security portfolio.

Bitpoint was one of many scholarships to receive a business improvement order from the Japanese Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) in June of last year. One of the main concerns of the FSA was the compliance of the grants with the requirements of the fight against money laundering and the knowledge of the client.

The agency has also expressed concern that client funds may not be sufficiently separated from those of the stock exchanges.

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