Hailey Baldwin could have a grudge against Kendall Jenner, here's why


In the world of celebrities, it seems that everyone knows each other and often dates. The newlyweds, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, are no exception. They are friends with many other well-known names, including the Kardashian-Jenner family. Kendall Jenner, in particular, is very close with Bieber and Baldwin.

Whereas Jenner is such a beautiful woman, how does Baldwin feel? Has she ever been jealous after Jenner spends time with her husband? Here is what we know.

Hailey Baldwin
Hailey Baldwin | VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images

Did Justin Bieber go out with Kendall Jenner?

Bieber has been a friend of the entire Kardashian-Jenner family for quite some time. It is well known that he enjoys dating the clan and is particularly close to Kendall Jenner. Although Bieber and Jenner never came out with an official word, we know they are close because of their many photos together, including their Vogue photo shoot and Bieber's intimate photos on Instagram.

Yet none of these photos really proves that Bieber and Jenner had a date. It is quite possible that they are really good friends. Moreover, in a very strange twist, Bieber was also romantically linked to Jenner's older sister, Kourtney Kardashian.

Jenner is notoriously secretive about his badociates and his personal life. So, if she had gone out with Bieber, we might never know it. But we also have no proof that they have always been romantic. All we can say is that they are good friends.

Are Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin friends?

In the modeling world, it's not surprising that Jenner and Baldwin are good friends. In fact, they have even been called BFF. Rumor has it that Baldwin was at first a friend of Jenner's sister, Kylie Jenner.

In an interview with Elle, Jenner said, "She was actually Kylie's best friend and I was very much friends with her cousin Ireland [Alec Baldwin‘s daughter]. Hailey lived in New York, and every time we were there, we went to her. "

During the first week of fashion in New York, Jenner said he "stole Hailey from Kylie. From that moment, she was my friend. At first, Kylie was crazy; I had to get them together and say, "No, that's okay, guys." But all is well; it's our love story. "

Jenner declared his love for Baldwin on a pretty Instagram photo posted by Bieber. The photo, shared last month, showed Bieber and Baldwin in a hug, during what seemed like a walk in the desert. Bieber said in his caption: "These are the moments I live for. Time alone with you refreshes my soul. You are so out of my league and it suits me! You are mine and I am yours.

Jenner, not wanting to be left out of the couple's moment, posted a comment on the photo that left no doubt about what she thought of her boyfriend Baldwin. "She's a little to me too," Jenner wrote, adding a freehand emoji and the symbol of Venus.

Even if, at first glance, Jenner seems jealous of the relationship between Baldwin and Bieber, it is more than likely that she is joking with the couple. But it shows that Jenner obviously feels comfortable enough with both to have fun.

Could Hailey Baldwin be jealous of Kendall Jenner?

When Baldwin and Bieber announced their engagement, Jenner shared her enthusiasm with Jimmy Fallon. "I have been friends with them for a long time, so everyone is happy and that makes me happy," Jenner said.

We do not know for sure that Jenner and Bieber went out together, but we know that Jenner and Baldwin are the best friends in the world. Given this information, it seems likely that even if there was something between Jenner and Bieber, it's probably no longer a problem and it's obviously not a problem for her and for Baldwin's friendship.

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