Hannah G. reveals how she stayed out of the drama of the house


The single person would not The single person without a good dose of drama. When you have thirty people competing for the same love interest, things can become … tense.

But there are always one or two competitors each season who know successfully, graciously avoid the drama that surrounds them. Hannah G., the Colton fan favorite, was one of those people.

She was a powerful candidate for Colton's heart. Many thought she would be awarded the final rose and, despite this, she managed to escape any drama unfolding in the world. Bachelor Manor.

Colton Underwood and its competitors | Rick Rowell via Getty Images
Colton Underwood and its competitors | Rick Rowell via Getty Images

Hannah G. recently told Vulture that her secret to staying out of the drama was just to focus on her and Colton's relationship.

"With the drama and all the rest, I made my relationship with Colton my top priority. I tried to stay in my lane and not be distracted when I was working on my relationship, "she said.

How Hannah G. stayed out of the drama "here for the right reasons"

One of the main recurring problems for Colton was whether all the candidates were present in the series "for the right reasons." When Katie left, she asked Colton to watch her women's intentions closely. .

Here's how Hannah G. stayed away:

"I really tried not to focus on who was there for" good "or" bad "reasons. I concentrated on myself. But when Katie left and warned Colton, I did not think she was saying it, Hey, these people are here for the wrong reasons. I think that she basically said, Hey, make sure you know these people well, because their actions may have been different from their words. Was I there for any of these conversations? No, do I care a lot about it? No, she said to Vulture.

She kept this mentality for much of the series. She realized that The single person would be a better experience for her if she focused on going out with her new friends and not stir the pot

"I tried to avoid it as much as possible. I think I did well and had good relationships with a lot of women in the series, so that was good too. I got up every morning and looked like What will make me happier today, create drama or make fun memories and focus on me and Colton? I went with everything that made me happiest and it meant not talking in peace, "she said.

Hannah G.'s Friends

When you do not start drama on The single personyou can go with a group of longtime friends.

"I'm close to a lot of women. I love Katie, Demi, Heather, Hannah B. and Kirpa. They are all so different, in terms of personality, so I have different links with each one of them. It's funny that I'm sitting at a place where I'm friends with someone who's also out with the same guy as me, but here I am. We are all still friends!

Read more: "The Bachelorette": Will Hannah B. be the most clumsy bachelor in the show's history??

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