Has Kate Middleton ever deceived Prince William?


Relations between Prince William and Kate Middleton have been relatively scandal-free. However, the Duke of Cambridge has been accused of having cheated on his wife a few times, the latest allegations imply that Rose Hanbury, Kate Middleton's best friend, may have had an affair. But has Kate Middleton ever deceived Prince William? Discover below.

Prince William cheat scandal

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton | Karwai Tang / WireImage

In the spring of 2017, Prince William found himself at the heart of a fraud scandal. According to some tabloid reports, the Duke of Cambridge was too amused during a ski trip with his friends. Things went wrong when the future king was filmed celebrating a bit too loudly in front of a camera in a nightclub of the Farinet club in Switzerland. Sources close to the royal family said that Kate was "less than satisfied" by her husband's actions, but it is unclear whether he made things progress or not.

It was perhaps one of the first times he was accused of cheating, but it was not the last. Unfortunately, Prince William has recently been found in another Cheating scandal – and this time it is a little more serious. According to rumors that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their closest friends, Rose Hanbury and David Rocksavage, the Marquis de Cholmondeley, would have quarreled, rumors suggest that Prince William would have had an affair with the best friend of his wife.

The charges stem from an alleged feud between Kate Middleton and Rose Hanbury. "It is well known that Kate and Rose had a terrible fight. They were close but that's no longer the case [sic], "A source revealed to The sun. "William wants to put a peacemaker so that the two couples can remain friends, as long as they are close to each other and share common friends. But Kate made it clear that she did not want to see them anymore. [sic] and wants William to eliminate them, despite their social status, "they added.

Although the cause of their quarrel is unknown, many attributed it to a case and even went so far as to say that the persistent quarrel between Prince William and Prince Harry could have been linked to the scandal of the cheating, and not the so-called problems of Prince William's quick relationship brother and Meghan Markle. "Wills have absolutely told Harry about this case" Nicole Cliffe wrote on Twitter. "And I think Harry was like," That's exactly what ruined our childhood, "she added.

As in most scandals, the royal family declined to comment on the case.

Has Kate Middleton ever deceived Prince William?

Some royal fans believe that Prince William is guilty of adultery – but what about Kate Middleton? Has the Duchess of Cambridge ever deceived her husband? In appearance, no. However, she went out with one of her clbadmates when the two separated in 2007.

Kate Middleton and Prince William parted briefly and decided to meet other people. But Prince William does not exactly approve of his new wife's future father-in-law. According to sources, Kate Middleton allegedly collaborated with Henry Ropner, the heir to the expedition, who would have gone to Eton with Prince William. The future king was (naturally) jealous of their nascent relationship, the two found themselves together, and the rest belonged to history.

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