"Have we stolen money"? Solomon Dalung asks the IAAF for more than $ 130,000


Nigerian Sports Minister Solomon Dalung questioned the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) about the "missing" amount of $ 130,000, accusing the Association of "blackmail" after that the body had imposed on Nigeria an ultimatum to repay the money paid in error.

Naija News recalls that the IAAF stated that Nigeria had been overpaid by USD 130 000 in 2017, a sum that the organization has asked Nigeria to repay in the coming days or to be sanctioned,

However, Nigerian officials have rejected all efforts to recover the money, some reproaching for being reproached and refusing to speak on the subject.

The IAAF, in a letter to the President of the Nigerian Federation of Athletics (AFN), Ibrahim Gusau, and signed by IAAF Senior Director of Governance, Jee Isram, said that the AFN had been contacted as soon as the anomaly was noted on March 18, 2017., to repay the sum of $ 130,000 which was falsely credited.

"If we do not recover the funds within this time, we will have no choice but to apply appropriate sanctions to your Federation," the letter read.

Speaking about development, during the Okpekpe 2019 road race held Saturday in the state of Edo, in southern Nigeria, Dalung handed over in question the claims of the IAAF, claiming that Nigeria had done nothing wrong.

His words: "I think Nigeria was treated unfairly because the problem was treated and promoted as if there was wrongdoing on the part of Nigeria," Dalung said.

"Certainly not, grants were awarded in Nigeria on May 17, 2017. On April 19, the IAAF confirmed the deal. those of the IAAF after two months round and shouted fault that it was an error.

"I smell rat and I believe that all this was orchestrated in order to blackmail Nigeria, " Dalung told reporters during Saturday's race.

The minister continued: "Even when we went, we were not even convinced of the mistake, was it an error from Nigeria or the IAAF?"

"When did they realize that they had made a mistake when the transaction was confirmed? I made a mistake while transferring money … I realized less than 10 minutes later, I called my bank and I got the money back. Why did it take the IAAF two months to make a mistake? An international organization, very famous?

"I think that it is not money wrongly credited to Nigeria, but there is a calculated attempt to diminish and destroy Nigerian sports, otherwise, I do not see why they call it an error, we did not apply for a grant. "

When asked what Nigeria would do at least to preserve it from a possible ban threatened by the IAAF, the sports minister said: "Ban for what? What did Nigeria do? What is the crime? Do we steal them money? Did we ask them to transfer money to us?

"They transferred money to us, they confirmed the transaction and then, after two months, they woke up.

"Does the IAAF tell us they are as disorganized as that? Where Nigeria is wrong, Nigeria will be recognized, but you can not wake up and realize that they have something to keep. We are not even convinced that there is an error, money has been sent to the gold relays and this has been done. Do they say that there was no relay in gold?

"I think those who promote them are trying to cry blue murder; I think they are just enemies of this country and we should ask questions, " Dalung concluded.

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